The question of the Olympic Winter Games 2014 in Sotchi has
probably been one of the most discussed questions with LGBT IQA and human rights
concern in 2013. And as the games will take place this February it is definitely
on the table more then ever. For a reason!
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“Should we boycott the Olympic Winter Games in Sotchi due to
the actions and laws provided by the Russian government?” – Sounds pretty much
like a super easy no brainer situation to loud and prod declare: “Yes, of
course!” But the reality speaks a different language. The language of concerns
about the Olympic thought, fairness towards the athletes, political correctness
and the question what a boycott could really, realistically, achieve. And as
the discussion about this thing could go on and on in text form it might be a
bit easier to take it to a list of arguments for and against a boycott.
Why NOT to boycott the Olympic Games in
Sotchi, Russia:
The Olympic idea
The Olympic thought is about co-operation in
peace and without harm. The participants are not seen as representatives of a
political system or ideology of any other kind, but as representatives of
sports. Therefore it is not right to use the games in any favor of ANY
Fairness towards the
The athletes have trained hard to qualify for
Olympia and have as well trained forever to show themselves at their high
point. This work should be respected and honored with Olympia.
Why TO boycott the
Olympic Games in Sotchi, Russia:
Olympic idea and Russia
trampling on it
Olympia is, as I mentioned above, about
working together in peace and harmony. The Olympic thought excludes any
discriminatory acts and the games are a nonpolitical happening. But truth be
told Russia as a country breaks ass the rules that the Olympic spirit and idea
actually imply. The human rights situation in Russia is a disaster.
Prestige for Putin? –
Not with me!
The very fact that the games have been given
to Russia shows that the choice of place for the event was, in my opinion, made
without looking on politics. Absolutely right in the Olympic spirit. But such
games on the other hand legitimize the government of a country as the games are
an economic driver and a prestigious moment in a countries history. And President Putin has so far milked every
moment from Olympia for his publicity.
Anti Gay Law – Zero
tolerance for that!
The fact that Russia has a law that bans
propaganda of any lifestyle other than the heterosexual one in order to protect
children from unhealthy influences and pedophilia shows that Russia, as a
state, is still caught in the dark ages where homosexuality equals pedophilia,
sickness and society hurting. The Olympic games will not be the 2 week
exception where this, very blurry, law does not apply. Rather it will legislate
the law as the games still happen.
Exposure Darling,
Politics and sport should actually not be
mixed and mingled but they ultimately are as Russia uses the games as a
platform in political ways. Olympia has always been political and the attention
it gives to problems in such countries is, in my opinion, needed. It might only
look like a drop of water on a hot stone but problematic issues like the human
rights and LGBT IQA situation in Russia needs as much exposure as
possible. And don’t tell me the exposure
is constant, as I haven’t really read anything about it lately in the major
news outlets. Change is linked to exposure.
A medal won’t change a
thing (or a law)!
It might be unfair to steal the athletes the
thunder by boycotting the games, but still they can win their medals. And don’t
tell me that an LGBT IQA athlete or LGBT IQA ally athlete winning and waving
the rainbow flag will change anything. It might be a sign, for 10 seconds, and
might annoy President Putin, but that won’t change anything. Recall Olympia in
Germany under Hitler. All though Jewish or black athletes from other countries
were allowed to compete and could win that sis not change the whole situation
at all. Millions were killed, and one gold medal or black participant here or
there did do nothing, even as it proved Hitler to be wrong. Some applies to
Russia. A gay or lesbian athlete winning gold is great but won’t actually
change the situation.
Legislating homophobia
as an Olympic side effect? – We need a cure!
Russia once legalized homosexuality and
declared it no longer to be a mental illness about 20 years ago. And now the
country has gone a step back and practically is on the way of making
homosexuality a crime again. And don’t tell me it is not that way, because
beating up LGBT IQA people while the police are watching and not intervening
practically is legislated homophobia. The Games will just continue to be a pink
bubble that hides the ugliness that is Russia’s sanctioned bigotry.
Free speech and
publishing in Russia – That’s a good one!
And last, but definitely not the last possible argument, is
that Russia as well will very much control what will be reported by its own
press and what not. Free speech is a valuable good and Russia is a country
where that right might officially be given but the reality is a different
story. Olympia once again would be a bubble to cover this up in the celebration
and joy about Olympia.
See? This small list definitely shows that the Sotchi
question is actually not easy to answer. But I still call for a boycott, as no
medal won, no participation, no protest and no action will actually change the
laws or the Russian peoples (I generalize a bit here, not every Russian is a
homophobe. But many (statistically seen) are.) homophobia. I don’t thinks
sitting in a stadium and cheering for your favorite athlete, raising a rainbow
flag, will be adequate. Don’t trust the world to be smart and understanding, to
see that Russia is an immature homophobic place (Politically seen. I can’t
speak for the Russian people!). Watch it on your TV if you have to. And tweet
your congrats out to the winners of medals and the athletes in general, write
about the LGBT Question and report every protest, but what will it change? I
will not watch any of the Olympic games. I will not cheer for an athlete. But I
don’t do it to shade the sport. I congratulate every athlete there and every
fair sportsperson. I congratulate all the winners in advance for their amazing
work. But I am not legitimizing the fact that Russia uses the games to cover up
its human rights problems. So my answer is: boycott! (Even though I will write
about it all to use the exposure, and call for a boycott all the time! If you
tend to disagree I must say that I am okay with it. I respect your opinion. And
I declare that what is written here is my personal opinion, not to be
generalized for any group of people!)
Oh and the construction for the games has as well caused
problems with people living in these regions. Many of them are, said nice, very
disappointed. Aka. These people are freaking angry. Cause they have been
wronged so much. Just google it.