Icons are everywhere!

An icon is someone who makes an effort. Art makes an effort. Therefore art is an icon. Marilyn Monroe was and is an icon and a work of art as well. Hence Marilyn Monroe and art have a nature in common. Icon - Art - Marilyn is iconic.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Hunger Games Catching Fire - A First Look from the perspective of fashion #Katniss Everdeen

The Girl On Fire

Yesterday we have taken a look at the couture of Effie Trinket in the new Hunger Games: Catching Fire Trailer. Today it is all about what we have seen so far from our heroine: Katniss Everdeen (portrayed by gorgeous and talented Jennifer Lawrence).

Let’s dive right in and start with the promotional poster for her character. There we can see her standing besides the chair, which is a pretty simple one and probably represents her heritage in district 12. The other character have chairs matching their district as well. So Katniss here wears a flawless white gown, which pretty much could be her wedding gown, but it is very much like the dress Effie wears in her promotional poster. And I guess it’s also a design from Alexander McQueen. And I pretty much adore it! Also the applications around her shoulders are pretty fucking fantastic! They probably represent her as a symbol for the mockingjay, which is a symbol of the story. Anyway: Katniss also holds a white rose in her hand, and if you have read the books closely you know that this is a sign for President Snow. He wears this rose all the time to cover up the blood smell of his breath. This outfit for me is the representation of what the capital wants Katniss to be: their puppet and a part of their reign.

In the trailer we can see Katniss walking besides Effie, and like I already mentioned she looks stunning ... and like Ke$ha.  I like that the look is very sexy but also so dark and red. It may symbolize the danger and struggles she will have to go through, and in general the designs are so sharp and modern that you really get an idea of the future and the tension in which Katniss is. (And still I am overly in love with what Effie is wearing. I mean come on! This is amazing! And she is my favourite character!!)

The dress Katniss is wearing when she and Peeta come out of the justice building with Effie in district 11 is very tight and modern. Also the black color shows the dull situation and the details, although they are pretty feminine seem very militant.  Fit’s the scenery. But actually I got no idea which designer this could be.

And finally the dress she waers giving this speech. I think it looks very office like, and for me it represents the  fact that t he capitol  has made Katniss part of their supression mechanism, by frocing her to do the victory tour. But the fabrique and the color are amazing!

One thing is pretty much sure for me: The one responsible for wardrobe has really outdone him or herself! Because what i have seen till now is fucking amazing!!!! Id like to meet the personand hug him or her for that amazing costumes!!

Next up on our fashion of Hunger Games Catching Fire Tour will be.... the peacekeepers and President Snow!

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