Icons are everywhere!

An icon is someone who makes an effort. Art makes an effort. Therefore art is an icon. Marilyn Monroe was and is an icon and a work of art as well. Hence Marilyn Monroe and art have a nature in common. Icon - Art - Marilyn is iconic.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

"TV Series I Am Addicted To" - 3 Reasons to Love "2 Broke Girls"

Like said by me many many times I have a huge addicttive personality for TV series that are freaking amazing. And "2 Broke Girls" is definitely one of them. And since it is in its third season right now, I figured it is time to give you three reasons why the show is freaking amazing!

The general story of the show is as follows: Martin Channing, a financee in New York, gets blow up in his illegal scam, where he screwed his rich customers and stole their money. Of course he goes to prison and his daughter, Caroline Channing, only gets to grab what she can and run from their town house, which of course, gets taken from them. Desperate for a place to stay and to find a job to make some money Caroline gets a job as a waitress in the "Williamsburg Diner". There she meets Max Black, an emotionally dead 20 something girl that makes cup cakes to get some extra money. From there on the show taes its ride and Max and Caroline move in together. Thing is: with Carloine's business expertise and Max's abilities in baking the cupcakes they plan on opening a cupcake shop and making their own business. And here come the three best reasons why the show is absolutely to love and amazing!

#1 - Cursing, Cursing and Cursing!

If the girls do not work their butts off at the diner, at a job they have found and/or taken on Craigslist or work on the cupcake business they ted to work out their problems. And especially Max is very good at cursing, mad references and tart tongued attacks at everyone that annoys her. (Especially Hipsters!) And hell yes I love the cursing part! What is not to love about it?

#2 - Cultural references en Mass

Actually "2 Broke Girls" could be a TV guide to everything, and that includes Bravo TV. I mean the ammount o Celebrity smashing downs, cameo appearances and constant hipster related dissing is the bomb! 

#3 - Chestnut, their HORSE!

The girls have a freaking word in their backyard! I mean a HORSE! Hello! That s freaking awesome and amazing, and believe me, it adds to the comedy of the series as hell!

So, guys, just move your asses along and check the series out! If you have not seen it yet you are missing out hard!

Monday, October 28, 2013

"I Love Art" - Get them clothes changed! - Switcheroo by Hana Pesut

Photographs are great, am I right? You can literally capture everything, from the most candid and meaningless shot to the most iconic and historically important moment. But, what you can capture as well, is potantial for discompfort. Yes, that is possible. And Hana Pesut has done that, in a beautiful way!


Her tumbler is a fascinating and very urban seeming wild mxiture of all sorts of (mostly) portrait photographs with tons of different photo concepts and great ideas. But the series that got her in the spotlight, and actually has caught y attention and admiration, is called "Switcheroo". What may sound quite mysterious and maybe complex is actually a simple, but very strong, idea and a clean concept. In this series Pesut has asked couples of strangers, as far as I have seen the pictures all couples are male and female, to be photographed. She has taken a photograph of them and then has taken another one of them. BUT: this time the two photographed individuals have switched clothes. And out comes an interesting picture, with an even bigger question in the back. Do we feel compfortable with these pictures, or do they evoke some sort of discompfort?

As one can imagine, there is a war going on right now. And this war is not faught with weapons or violence, well mostly not, but is between "morals", gender construction and the possibilities and the will of people to accept change. What I mean is: Are we ready to accept different notions of gender in our society as "normal" and part o the spectrum, or do we still keep close to what classically is a manly and what is feminine. Are we able to accept and agree over thefact that gender is fluid, its nature is constructed and its existance is a performance? If looking at the following pictures might evoke the sense in you, that you might feel a discompfort in seeing people wearing clothes not directly assignable to their gender, and walking the streets like that, there is the possibility that you might not agree with me to some point.

By the way: The pictures I use of course are property of Pesut. But these three following are my favorites, of what I have seen so far.

If you ask me, I would loo twice on the streets. But thing is I would actualy walk along with a big smile and be happy that people dare to challenge stereotypical notion of gender through fashion. And, lets be honest for a second, most of the people in the clothes of the other don't look bad. I mean men in dresses is probably the thing that causes the biggest stirr, but they don't look bad in them, they just look unusual. Anyways, I find the photographs to be a great, and much needed, idea. Gender is a construct, a performance and actuallly pretty useless since gender is not sex. So go ask: "Is this causing any discompfort to someone, and if so, why?

Sunday, October 27, 2013

"Music Minute" - Lady Gaga "Venus" - A reference review

After two very different sounding snippets of her song "Venus" have been released, Gaga furthser teased her fans by tweeting three different possible covers or the single: all photographed by Steven Klein.

And we should start off the whole thing about "Venus" with the covers. As one can see: all of them are daring and different, and do not continue the white look of the cover from "Applause" and "Do What U Want". And I have to say that I really enjoy the dark side Gaga brings to the covers. In cover number one we have her with a scorpion on her face, and clearly this is a reference to Marina Abramovic an her portrait with a scorpion. She channels the version with closed eyes. What is to be mentioned her is the wound she has under her arm. Question is: has the scorpio cut her, and is this to be understood metaphorically? Cover number two is, if I am not wrong, a bat, which is beautifully lit an set in pose. Actually it is my favorite cover. I don't know why, but the composition is somewhat magnificient and daring in a dark and haunted way. Cover number three is Gaga, once more in the nude, with a tacco (?) in her mouth, which could be a reference to a meat eating plant. I don't know, but still it is fascinating. The fourth cover is the one that is displayed on Gaga's VEVO channel. There she channels Marina again, but this time her eyes are open  and her face, including the scorpion is lit in green and purple. Either a very Warholian colour blocking or a remeniscence of the rainbow. Anyways: It looks great!

Now lets get to the song. The beginning is very dark techno club anthem like, and then adds a throbbing beat after a few seconds. Her voice jumps from high pitched singing to her dark voice saying the word "Venus". As she turns into her singing voice we get the Gaga we know, and very soon the sog jumpes into a twisty dark electronic pop song with all the classical twisted Gaga-ness to it, including some wierd, but absolutely genious sounds. The song in whole is building up all the time and is kind of unpredictable, which i actually prefer. The overall sound is dark and new, but definitely not radio unfriendly. But it is a more experimental sound then "Do What U Want" - fine with me, since the experimental Gaga is the one i am madly in love with. Lyrically the song contains a high number of references to planets, roman gods, love and sex. If "Applause" was her Botticelli piece then "Venus" is her reference to the roman goddess and all the myths around her.  But lets have a closer look at what Gaga sings:

In verse one Gaga gives us all sorts of space, renaissance and mythica refrences: "Rocket #9 take off to the planet // To the planet // Venus // Aphrodite lady seashell bikini // Garden panty // Venus //Let's blast off to a new dimension // In your bedroom //  Venus // Aphrodite lady seashell bikini // Get with me // Venus" - That gives me some feeling of her "Applause" video and VMA's performance. Remember that seashell bikini? If not, have a look to the left! Before the chorus Gaga sings: "I can’t help the way I’m feeling // Goddess of love please take me to your leader // I can’t help I keep on dancin' //Goddess of Love! // Goddess of Love" - Uhh, I am getting the naughty vibes here. Go sexy Gaga! And as the chorus hits there is no wondering what: "When you touch me I die // Just a little inside // I wonder if this could be love // This could be love // Cuz you’re out of this world // Galaxy, space and time // I wonder if this could be love" could mean.  So far we have references to Venus as a planet, the diety Venus and space travel. Verse two does not let us down, concerning the reference scale. "Have an oyster, baby // It’s Aphrod-isy // Act sleazy // Venus // Worship to the land // A girl from the planet // To the planet // Venus" - Okay we have oysters here, with the mention of them being an aphrodisiac, and somewhere on the road here I  get the feeling that this on eis going to be an erotic but hell of a lot disturbing music video! And Gaga even recounts most of the solar systes planets in the bridge, with a great reference to the fame her gorgeous ass has gotten over time. And I have to say that my "Do What U Want" Review supports that ass! 

All together the song is experimental and sounds new  in the realm of Gaga's music. So I am going to give it a great 9/10. The point missing only is due to the fact that one point the song could set its peak. But still, the eferences she makes in it, all the sexual innuendos and the double entendres make "Venus" my space age, renaissance insired sex trip to the deep universe. And what is nnot to love about that?

Saturday, October 26, 2013

#GETITRIGHT – Miley = Shocking, I don’t think so!

Let’s cut the crap: We all had our fair share of time and opportunities at our hands to bitch, moan and rant about all things post-Disney Miley Cyrus. And that includes twerking, nudity, tongue sticking and riding a wrecking ball naked.  But actually the time has come to take the bitch mas down, lay it aside and have an informed and smart look on the work of this 20 year old "fresh & new" artist, and not see her as a Hannah Montanna follow up program.


The first real insight we get into the actual ways of how Miley thinks and creates her career has been granted to us in the MTV documentation "Miley: The Movement". Throughout the glamorous interviews, you know: the ones with the good lightening and make-up, the ones that give you this Barbara Walters feeling and moment, we actually get to discover that there is more to the tongue we all have seen, grown tired of and hate now. This young lady is a genuinely hard working artist who in fact wants to do one thing in fact: to be taken seriously as an artist. And serious might be the word that could be hard to live up to for Miley. But the question is: Why?

First of all let’s ask ourselves the question of what Miley is. She is a pop musician. Therefore she has to compete in the realm of pop and genres that border with it. And with pop being, probably, the most competitive genre she has to bring it. The pop business is sex obsessed, body focused, fast and an arena where everyone wants to be the attraction in the spotlight. So if you want to be taken seriously you have to stick out, be different and dare to be controversial. Otherwise you won’t make the headlines. Let’s roll up the thing from the point of Mileys most controversial live performance yet: the MTV VMA 2013 performance of "We Can't Stop". If we “read” the performance without letting our jaws fall to the ground and the ranting, and really have a deep look at it we discover that in fact it shows one thing: the crack in the understanding and perception between Miley and her work and the public and her work. She comes out on stage inside a huge teddy bear with, emerges from it in a teddy bear fashioned body, her hair with this ridiculous two “whatevers” and flat plateau shoes that blink with every step. Very 90’s and very unsexy, yet revealing. Then, having gotten rid of her body, she, now dressed in skin colored latex panties and bra, twerked on Robin Thicke, used a foam finger to grind his junk and sticked it between her legs. Oh yeah, the tongue was there as well. #InterestingYetDisturbing. 

But all the media talked about was how overly sexualized and eroticized the performance was. Really: That was overly sexual and eroticized? I would rather say it was not. If someone considers this to be a serious attempt at sexy this person should get a reality check. It is like Miley said it in the documentation: The intend never was to be sexy. I mean, that should have been obvious to the viewers. Dancing teddy’s, that outfit and the rather androgynous look that Miley has scream parody rather than Moulin Rouge. And putting on a sex show is pretty easy for the pop ladies. And a sex filled show is what we actually would expect. And BAM: we get the parody of a sexy pop show. We get a show that is so ridiculously oversexualized to the absurdity of the level of our demand for it. The actual shock is not in the fact that she is twerking for us in skin colored latex, or that she is just 20. The real shock is that we, unknowingly, find our own demands repulsive. Stick our demand for a sex show in our face in a parody manner and you will see faces in the audience that make headlines! And, lesbe-honoest here, that does not set us, as general public of the western world, into a good light. Narrowed down we are sex focused and simple minded. #SNAP

So why don’t we take her serious then? I mean what could be more a serious comment on expectations and sexuality in pop performances then such an parody of it? Well, I guess it still is the curse of Hannah Montanna. 

But, whether you like her or hate her, please stop going on and on about how she is a bad role model, ruining the youth and ruining herself. Miley is 20 years old. What did you do in your 20’s in the clubs? One thing you sure did not do was sitting there and complaining about the loud music, not dancing and being negative. Of course she will go wild and freakdance! That is not what I call a bad role model, I would rather call it normal 20 year old behavior. I don’t see that she is a bad influence. She looks healthy, she works hard, she is a successful business woman and is nice to her fans. Has she been on drugs, alcohol and Purple Drank all the time? No. I would say Justin Bieber is far worse than Miley at this point. Las but not least let me tell you that twerking and tongue are, both, not shocking at all. I mean, haven’t we all sticked our tongues out way too much and twerked even though we can’t? And if not: Ever heard of scandal for publicity?

Hate her, love her, despise her, adore her or do whatever you want: Her new album BANGERZ is at number one, she makes the buck, travels the world and does what she wants. (By the way: BANGERZ actually is a good album, I was surprised myself!) If she is not your kind of WOMAN (She is no girl anymore!) then just don’t talk about her. You should always remember: It takes a certain amount of fucks to give to talk about something. If you really have no fucks to give, then just don’t talk if you are not directly asked about the matter. #DoYaThang

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Music Minute" - My Iggy Top 11

I love me some Iggy Azalea. And the reasons for this fact are uncountable. And in the light of her debut album beeing released this year (Well, at least we all hoe so. I mean it is up time!) I have made a list of my favorite 11 Iggy Azalea songs.

This list would of course not be complete with the comment that Iggy has the figure and body of a model. I mean look at her. Someone has either invented bio-engeneering to make her that perfect of she is just a drip of perfection. What is even more amazing is, that in the body of this swedish super model milk bun, the soul and rap talent of possibly a black woman lies. I mean have you heared her music? And to make it clear right form the beginning: I love me some Azealia Banks, but she really annoys me with her constant twitter feuds. Iggy on the other side is friendly and works on her music. Something that Azealia should do as well. But #NoTNoShade! Lets just start the countdown!

Honorary Mention - Burgundy Shit

A smooth urban sound, finger snaps and some genuinely good rapping. I just love that this song combines hip hop and R&B in such a smooth way. And Iggy's voice really comes out on this one, even though the rap part is kinda short. So this one definitely deserves to be mentioned!

11 - Hello Feat. Joe Moses 

From her mixtape Ignorant Art Iggy brings us this banger as the second song of the tape. It has this cleas electronic sound what Iggy is known for and has her canstantly rapping about clothes, money and bitches. Best line: "These are Ferragamo, bicthes What the fuck are those?" Very shopping and buying oriented, a song that basically says: Im a fabulous bitc, deal with me and my Ferragamo shoes!

10 - Backseat Feat. Chevy Jones

Nice intro. And the the song turnes around ad takes the other direction. A nice beat with, what i would call eectronical bells, and a beat that just gets your head going u and down. The big surprise comes when the chours actually is smooth and soft. Annd damn, that woman can rap fast!

09 - My World

The third one from "Ignorant Art" in a row. That says: Get the goddamn mixtape! Iggy claiming her territory. Its her world and we are in it. She might be white but this girl got the balls of a rapper that has been in the biz for years. Even though there might be some basic rhymes in this one. But she definitely brings it with : "My world, my bitches, white girls team full of bad bitches!" Who says a white chick can't  be ghetto?

08 - Bac 2 Tha Future (My Time)

Taken from her mixtape "Trapgold" Iggy brings us some hard rapping to a sickening experimental and great beat. Contentwise Iggy lets us know it is her time and she will take her opportunities. Well, that is fine with me! "My heart is in it, Im authentic, Its clear to see its my time!" - Best line from the song, that, btw,  is over too fast!


Monday, October 21, 2013

"Music Minute" - Do What U Want or Fuck Them Haters - A Review

So far "ARTPOP" has been a pretty good thing for Little Monsters and 2013 in musical terms. And now Lady Gaga reloads her guns of genious wierdness and freakish artness to hit us hard again with a lil promo song from "ARTPOP" called "Do What U Want" Feat. R Kelly. 

The "Born This Way" singer has made the song part of her countdown to the release of her latest pop epos on November 11th. The single cover has been released by her on Twitter and the girl has gutts... and an ass! I mean hello! Take a good hard look on this one, then go home and cry/or get horny on the sight of it, hit the gym later and come home agan and cry about your orange skin and her perfect skin. That ass is gorgeos and probably even gay men are strangely attracted to it. And the blonde wig! Hell yes! 

The only ting discussable is the thong. Im not sure yet wheter to like or dislike the pattern, but I actually don't really care because I am too much distracted by that ass. Okay im gonna go cry now that my ass is nowhere even near a state that is close to this ass-perfection. Its like that one line in her "Marry The Night" video: "Check out that nurse on the right. She has got a great ass. BAM!"- Yeah, this ass is not a BAM, this ass is a BAM BAM and you are freaking dead. So lets get to the song, before I get completely lost between that great asscheaks and all. I mean they are just too perfect and.... See, that is what I meant by "distracted"!

The songs beginning lets me think of some 80's fightclub scenery thing and just blows my mind. I mean it is actually R&B mixed with some great electronic beats. Im sold, already. When it comes to the chorus I am one happy fan. "You can have my heart, but you can't have my mind" - Man these are some good lyrics. I am kinda sure that this one is a slam against the freaking critics, since Gaga has ranted on twitter about what has been thrown in her direct way. The vocals she gives us here definitely are a reminder of the songs of Christina Aguilera when she actually knew how to make good music. Like it, since it shows that Gaga has a power voice. Then comes the part I am not that crazy about. The R. Kelly part. I mean it sounds good and all but actually I would have wished he would not be on the song. Because when he sings it, it sounds kinda very much like an R&B record we all know and kinda not that special anymore But dring his part it becomes clear that this one is a big FU to the haters. 

So far the song is very good, and lets us see another fact of ARTPOP. I kinda like it, but to be honest it is also not that much of a banger as it could have been, but still it is a solid and good, radio friendly 8/10, with the security of getting us hungry for more!

Lady Gaga - The Anti-Pop Star Queen of Pop - From VADA

Finally it has happened! My article for Vada Magazine got published and I am quite happy about it! So now I want you all to go over there ready my article and read the rest of the magazine! So hush hush! Do it!


And, since it is up on the Vada webside, you can see my picture here. Yes that is me, and no, there is no need to tell me that I kinda look ridiculous XD, but I like the picture! But: don't get too excited over my, obviously, striking beauty and perfection. (In reality not even freaking Photoshop could get me pretty. XD) So go ad read now!


Friday, October 18, 2013

"Music Minute" - PRISM - Setting the Colors Free (?) - A Review

She has taken us by storm with a song about kissing girs and a good album that followed, then she hit us again with Teenage Dream and completed her image as the cotton candy queen of pop music. And now, as she roared for us we get to hear her musical PRISM.

Katy Perry has given fans an insight into her new album to make them listen to 90 seconds of each song early, but now the thing is released. (In Germany at least!) So let the bitchfest, oh pardon me, I meant review begin! As usual I'll make thi a song by song wlakthrough to give you all the info possible. But first the cover. I would nomminate it for ab award like: "Worst Cover in a While" or "Looks Like A 12 Year Old Did It". I Hate it! Katy, Instagram is not appropriate for an album cover! I wanna see better! But was I actuall suprised? No, not really Katy is no Madonna, no Rihanna and no Gaga!

01. Roar

I think I ranted, bitched and moaned about "Roar" enough and have already reviewed it and the accompanying video here on Icon Art Marilyn. So just check it out here and be sure that the song just got the 5/10 due to its good production. #SorryNotSorry

02. Legendary Lovers

Nice songtitle, actuay makes you expect something. But the beginning sounds like some fucked up journey to India. The song actually is kinda boring and the lovers theme really sets me asleep. There is no boom, or it to the song, allthought the lyrics are kinda good. Nice to know: Cleopatra reference in there. But the ong sound like some verkackte Indie bullshit. A nice 4/10 on the scale.

03. Birthday

The beginning, for me, is a reminder of "Teenage Dream", and actually the whole song has this "Teenage Dream" to it. Actually the song is genereic and not innovative. There is no chance that this song will make it to my list of rememberable songs. But its better than "Legedary Lovers" so imma just be nice and give it a 5/10.

04. Walking On Air

Finally a song that is more of a good one to listen to. It is funkyy and the first song Katy uses her voice well and does not make me want to turn it off immediatly. Also the ealking on air metaphor is a nice one for feeling good, even though the lyrics might not win an award. But actually the song is enjoyable to listen to. 7/10.

05. Unconditionally

Oh, another slow beginning. Well actually that does not really get me for a good start, but lets see. Oh and at the refrain she has already lost me. Anothzer generic sng that possibly could make it into the charts but shows that Perry is zero about artistic depth but rather about chart success. Not with me! 5/10 and I'm beeing nice her. PS: The songs so far sound kinda the same. 

06. Dark Horse feat. Juicy J

Have already written about it, and I have to say that this one probably will be my favorite on the whole record, and so far it is the best of the sings. And that is such a sad thing, I mean six songs into the album and I am already worried if it was worth the money to spend. But you can read the review of this ong here and I'll give it an 8/10.

07. This Is How We Do

When has Katy turned into Kesha? I mean hello! This one could be a kesha song. Sad thing about that is that it is not even a good Kesha song. It rather is lyrically OK but from the sound: Please My ears bleed. Could not even bare to listen the whole thing! 3/10, an absolute FAIL!

08. International Smile

Okay that one actually is catchy and is all about travel and how things connect people around the globe. The music is catchy and the lyrics are acceptable. This one is a keeper and worth knowing the lyrics. So I will just be a nice boy and give it a 7/10.

09. Gost

All I can say about this song is boring. Boring, boring boring. Unrelatable, generic aand horribly overproduced. I hate it! Sorry but this one is only a 3/10. And I am being nice again. Why so generic Katy? This one sound like every other song on the record!
10. Love Me

And this one does not make it better. Katy, find other topics then your breakup,, becaus that is sooo over! We want to hear better songs and not always the same! And that I mean lyricwise and soundwse. Because this one is eachangable as well! Andther bad song that is worth nthing in my ears. Depressing to think she is a world start and talented artists are not. A nice 4/10.

11. This Moment

The beginning really sounds interesting and different from the rest of this shitty tracklist called album. And even though the song is overly another pretty boring one that misses the boom, wow and amazing point it is 10 time sbetter than its two preceders. A 6/10.

12. Double Rainbow

Oh, and yet another shitty generic song. What a surprise. Cant even listen to it for more than 30 seocnds. Just for beeing nice im gonna give 5/10. Im so done! And "One mans trash is man's treasure.", really Katy? More generic speeches that bore the shit out of us! Get some creativty!

13. By The Grace Of God

This son is actually the only good slow song that is worth mentioning. The lyrics are emotion filled and dont sound genereic, but the song is rather depressing than uplifting. But it brightens up a bit, but the transition is horrible. But a 6/10.

Summed up all I can say about PRISM is that I can not, with good conciousness, say that you should go and purchase it. Its overproduced, underwhelming and does not live up to what Katy has actually promoted. The only thing PRISM sets free is the content of my stomach since it is so bad. So not buying the spread of colors! It only has generic points to make and the songs lack artistic depth. One can clearly see thet this album is desiged to sell and make the charts and not a statement of artistic expression, well at least not a very good one. Songs that sound exchangable and overprouced and underthought give the album a rating of 68 of 130. The average score of the songs was 5,2. I love me some Katy , but I so hope that there will be a new album fast and that she will have another style then. So far I'm out!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Just In" - Vada THAT!

Hey guys! It is official! I have good news for you and myself and I want to share them with you. 


I have applied to be a contributor at the young, in comming and fabulous gay online magazine called "Vada Magazine". This great webside, filled with great, funny, whitty and entertaining articles about everything ranging from fashion, arts, technology and opinions to health and food. I will be writing an article about every two weeks and then you can just enjoy it there! Make sure to check out all the other awsome stuff the magazine has for you and follow them on Twitter an give em a like on Facebook!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Music Minute" - Candy Yum (Cum) Yum?

This one hit me hard, and by hard I mean there was a chance of me getting hard, if you know what I mean. This time Music Minute will have the (diabetes creating) pleasure to give you all my thought on the music video to Kevin Mikals "Candy Yum Yum".


Lets cut the crap! That video could be so many things: a boxer brief ad, a candy ad, an ad for Grindr, could be gay porn or even just a music video. But with all the oiled up men, the twerking, Willam Belli and Honey Mahagony this video just screams SEX! And if you havet seen it yet, watch it!

The song is kinda very simple, the lyrics are generic but in this sense we all already know that this is just a club tune to get us on the floor and loose our shit. And you can definitely imagine some guy blowing someone in a gay club to this tune. The video is so super sexy, and über candy filled, that one could even argue that it gives a bad stereotypical representation of the gay community. I mean the words "sex obsessed" and "porno-chic" might come up in the discussion. And yet again this is the gay couterpart to Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" and really gets it going. Willam is just super funny and Honey Mahagony has appearently gotten rid of the kaftan collection.  Whatsoever, thing is that this one, allthough clearly not intended to be so, is hot material for discussing representations of the gay community and if they are either in the favour of the cause or not. But I am still to bothered with the question of wether to say its softporn or a music video. Decide on ya own, I got some "WTF" going on.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

#SecretProject and #ArtForFreedom - Madonna has upped her game!

I know that sometimes I bitch and moan about Madonna and her work or sometimes her personality. But I actually really love Madonna and her work! And the last piece of work by Madonna has really been a huge bang for me! It has been a real thing and blast to watch it.


The thing is called # secretproject and is a 17 minutes film that is kept in balck and white. The film was directed by Steven Klein, and features Madonna in many BDSM related sces, in a jail, shooting people, in the darkness and beeing carried away. The movie is a campaign against homophobia, against bigotry and against the restriction of speech and artistic freedom. We see a hint into the direction of Putin, Russia, the church and hate speech. If you havent seen it yet: watch it below!

We all knw that this video is basically a typical collection of what Madonna stands for, and in basic it is a sum up of what Madonnas career content wise and visually like ia all about! But it realy has potential to make an impact and get people thinking. And Madonna sure has the possibilities to spread its message and make it actually work. And now let me tell you in detail why it actually is so amazing and why it brings activism to a next level. One of the very first sentences around human behavior is "The enemy is not out there, the enemy is within." Actually this is not one of the newest and catchiest things, but its one that has some meaning to it, and by some I mean much! because actually the human condition and everything related to it is a construct that comes from within. And so we really have to fight the enemy in ourselves. As well Madonna cites some director by saying: "All you need for a movie, is a gun and a girl!" 

As the movie goes on Madonna says that wen she was on her tour she saw "a lack of desire, like a plague." and I cans to relate to what she is saying. There lately has been a lack of compassion and fire in activism around LGBT things and stuff. As well Madonna raises the question of what it takes for something or someone to be taken seriously. And the question of when to be taken serious is an important one when it comes to activism of any kind. As well Madonna questions her point as a woman and a female performer. She says "Instead, I am a woman. I am blonde. I have tits and an ass, and an insational desire to be nudist. Come on baby, show us your ass! Shake it for us baby! Do that dance you do so well for us, baby!" and therby she actually hits the poit of it all. even for her as an iconic part of pop music history and pop icon she is still out there beeing missjudged and objectified by men. And that might be a part of the need to raise the question when to take someone and something serious. And by "History repeats itsself, don't you see a pattern her?" its clear that Russia is on the top of Madonnas list of places with a need for change.

The moment from there on it even gets better. Madonna gives a real definition why there is a need for the revolution and why Madonna wants to start it. "I dont feel save, lots of people don't feel save. Thats why  I wanna start a revolution. But this revolution will not be televised, it will not be on the iternet, it won't be an app availible on your iPhone. You won't be able to download it. This will be the revolution of thinking for yourself, having your own opinion and not giving a damn about waht people say. This will be a revolution of enquioring further. Of not worrying about winning other peoples approval, of not wishing you weresomeone else, but perfectly intend to be who you are, someone unique, rare and fearless." - Wow. That, for me, is something that actually could come from a philosophy book. I mean it basically is all true. This revolution Madonna wants us to spread is all about beeing your self and no one else. But not only to be but also to make others be themselves. Followed is this by Madonna condemming labels. "Fuck labels. I hate labels. We are all in this ship together sailing like a burning spear across the sea, burn baby, burn!".

And, as if the film hasn't got enough gunpowder in it already she sets one stone on top by explicitly calling out criticism and hate based on religion as wrong. "You can not use religion to treat other people badly, you can not use God's name to treat other people badly." Well, I could not agree more with you Madonna, because if there is a tyical pop icon that embraces christianity AND contorosersy and acception than it is Madonna. The last real buster sentence of the video is "I know what you are thinking: If you can't stand the heat. get out of the kitchen! But it's too late, I am in the kitchen and the burner is on full blaze!" Hell yeah! And she should stand ther cause she has been there for ages and done a good job!

The whole video basically is about the question of madness and genious side to side, activism and taing action, how to treat people, how to be ative, why to care and how to care, when to care and how to be heared. And visually we see that Madonna still manages to make the ugly, the violence, and the anger glamorous. The darkness as a creature of gamerous light. Get it?

Monday, October 7, 2013

"I Love Art" & "Music Minute" - The ARTPOP cover is real Pop Art

We have all been desperately waiting for Lady Gaga to finally smash us wit her cover for ARTPOP and make the wait for the album a little sweeter. And today she gave fans the chance to unveil it by tweetig up a storm using #IheartARTPOP, and uncovering it piece by piece. And hell,  I love it!

From the very first moment on we knew that ARTPOP was going to be all about the fusion of high concept art and pop art with high concept pop and pop music. And Gaga has left us without any doubt that she has the intend to make this album part of pop culture history and to defend her crown as the queen of contempory high concept pop superstardom queen. (Jeez, that was some fucking complicated sentence!) Okay now lets get directly to the cover:

Hello, cover! It is quite disturbing I have to admit. The cover is definitely not one of the covers you love on first sight if you are not immersed into the pop and pop art discurse. You might not even like it on the second, third or fourth view. Chances are: If you are not a Jeff Koos fan or appreciator you might find this one actually just disturbing. But I love it. It has the appeal of a graffiti merged with a Botticelli painting that has collided with a scissor. And then we have slashed on some pink paint and thrown it into the mixer. 

The centerpiece is a Jeff Koons sculpture of Gaga with blue ball, a part of Koons oevere, covering her v-jay jay. Actually that is qauite a good metaphor for giving birth to ARTPOP, a theme we are used to around Gaga since the Born This Way era. The statue of her actually reminds me of the statues in the Korova Milk Bar in "Clockwork Orange". The pose might be a revealing one and could even be labeled as exploitation of the female body, but in the content of pop culture and Koons it actually is a criticism of female exploitation, an absurism in the sense of classical art and an hommage to the naturalness of the act of birth and motherhood. Besides that the Botticelli background gives us all we need to see that a renaissance of pop and art and art and pop is eminent on ARTPOP, so get your tickets to the museeum and pop some shit up!

Friday, October 4, 2013

"The Celluloid Church" - A Short Story

Right now I am reading one of the most fascinating boos I have ever read. Its "Blonde" by Joyce Carol Oats and is a recounting of the life of Marilyn Monroe in form of a novel with a biographic approach. And, in relation to it, I was inspired to write a short story.


This short story is content wise my own work, but the characters of Norma Jean and Gadys have really existed, as their drives trough the Hollywood Hills. But the undertone of it is in borrowing from Oats book. I hoe you enjoy reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it.

The Celluloid Church

Sunday, June 24th, 1934.

Putting on her dress on Sundays has always been an exciting moment for the little eight year old Norma Jean. Her mother was in their small apartment’s bedroom and put on her dress when the girl entered the room. It was a knee long black satin dress. It had a white underdress that pushed up the upper skirt. Gladys closed the zipper on her back. She wore her dark hair open and in curls, it surrounded her face beautifully. The hairstyle laid emphasis on her porcelain doll face, her voluptuous lips, with the thick red lipstick, that were voluptuous and sensual, and her eyes that Gladys had put on a light make up. On the bed Gladys had laid out a dress for Norma Jean and some shoes as well. She put on her white and black leather pumps as Norma Jean picked up the dress she laid out and started to put it on. It was a very simple, but still very chick dress, with a diamond pattern of blue and white with a simple black belt around her waist. Gladys had put curlers into Norma’s hair earlier today, so the girl only had to remove them now. But under the judging look of Gladys eyes, these eyes that seemed to see everything but nothing real at all, she hesitated to do it, until Glasys walked towards her. "Let me do it, we don't want your hair to look horrible, not today." Today, the day others went to church and after the service had pancakes at the diner, mother and daughter had their own little, reliogiously stylized, ritual. If Gladys had the money for it, the two would sit in their car and drive to the Hollywood Hills to look at the movie star houses, and today was one of these days. And of course, as the occasion was a holy, a special, one, they had to dress upf or the occasion. At least that is what Gladys always said about ocasions and the befitting wardrobe. "Special occasions call for a special wardrobe, dress up to the event, even if you have to make debts for it!" 

So Norma Jean just put on the dress and let Gladys do her hair, to fulfill the expectations. 

And now she was sitting in the car. The eight year old starred out of the dirty and scratched right side window, and waited for wonders to happen, as Gladys turned the key and the engine started. The motor roared and they slowly drove towards the mysterious and glorified hills, the Hollywood sign in their front window view. The car was a green, twelve year old Ford with black leather seats. The left backseat had a rupture at the right upper part, and filling came out of it. 

Her view went right through the window, the material that set these two worlds apart, the much too real world of the car and the mysterious shimmering world of the hills. When they, if they, would just stop, open the cars doors, and get out of it they would enter another world, set foot on hallowed ground of Hollywood. But they never did do, they were just visitors who were feeding their eyes with this supreme dream that became material reality. All its glory was consumed by their lenses. Norma Jean did not even dare to touch the cars window glass and insult the magnificent sight with the fingerprints of her hands on it. The gaze was too perfect to insult its perfection with something so utterly human as fingerprints. In a state of severe awe the girl just held her breath, with the feeling that she and her mother, were in a world of larger than life people, the realm of true stars, of inhuman perfection and a superior standing point. This hot day it was the sun that was burning down on Los Angeles like the flames of hell. They made the small car heat up pretty fast. Although Gladys had lowered her window to let in a bit of fresh air, Norma did not dare to lower the window on her side, she did not see herself worthy of the air this place offered. This space was not to be just entered. Not directly and not yet. Not as an intruder, but as someone you had to get entered. They turned left into a beautiful long avenue, with palm trees on green hedges on both sides, as Gladys started to slow the car down. Norma Jean knew that if her mother slowed down the car, and they were driving very slowly already, some magnificent thing must be about to happen. When Gladys hands, covered by satin gloves up to her elbows, put the steering wheel back into its straight driving position, the anticipation was nearly touchable. It covered over the momentum like a thin, silky veneer of Egyptian cotton. 

As they approached the gate of the most wonderful estate the little girl has ever seen, Gladys raised her voice, and full of pride and admiration she said: “Here lives our Jean, Norma Jean. Here lives Jean Harlow, our Jean!” And the girl looked out of the window and soaked all she could see in, into her eyes, her brain, her nerves, her soul, her senses and her being. All the visuals were absorbed right into her cortex, into her deepest inner parts. Here, with the mighty and shiny iron gate, the ridiculously green hedge and the monogram in the gate, the tremendously green lawn and the stunning beauty of the mansions front porch, the crack between these two worlds seemed to be in range. The rupture in the continuums broke the barrier that separated reality and fantasy. The barrier was so thin, so thin in her imagination, that just the exhale of her breath could burst the glass and set her free, free into this unnatural naturalness of beauty and dreams surrounding her. There was a connection. A red line that connected her and the legendary Harlow, a link beyond admiration and desire. Beyond the movies, and beyond the desire for her, as this child of eight years could desire such iconic figure as this actress. She had something in common with the glamorous and adored Jean Harlow. They shared a name. They had in common this thing that only is given once and never can be taken away from you. They had an essence that they shared. That they shared names made that little girl, so full of hope, desires and dreams, filled with admiration and agony, strength and fear, part of the dream. Part of her myth. Part of her course in life, in the universe, and a part in the plan of the gods plays. 

With her eyes focused onto the world on the other side of that green Ford’s window, the little girl knew that this would one day be her realm and some other girl would be in her place, starring and dreaming. She was so sure about it, it just had to be. It was destined to be. The gaze would change, for sure. 

As they drove on Gladys voice started to get more and more pregnant with excitement, but as she described which movie star lived which house, her voice as well started to crack a little. And by the mentioning of one another stars name the excitement of the afternoon grew to the unimaginable. But knowing her mother and her ways, Norma Jean knew that all the suspense built up, and she knew the changing temper of her mother very well, would culminate in nothing. The expectation would grow like a balloon, pumped with air to be given to a pretty little girl by some friendly person somewhere, and then, at its beauty’s peak, the moment of its fullest perfection, it would pop, make a loud noise and let you wonder what actually happened. Exactly the same it was with Gladys and expectations. At the culminating point her bubble of good mood reached its breaking point, and exploded. And, as it is with the balloon, all that is left of all the happiness, all that sheer excitement and the connection between the Hills and Norma Jean, between Gladys and Norma Jean, would be gone. All that would be left was the dull memory of the moments of luck that already faded away, forced by the mental state of Gladys, even though the moment was bright as a star and happened only seconds ago. “… lived here. She starred in this movie, “The Wind and Gone” with …”, and Gladys was in her element. As they drove and drove along the streets of the Hollywood Hills on this hot summer day of 1934, mother and daughter together, united by the admiration and covered by the blanket of hope and desire, the future of their existence seemed eminent. To be a star, to be someone, to gain an identity on the horizon of this celluloid world, to be admired, to be a person of superior faith and a god given path in life. A name, an image and a life, hallowed and sacred, iconic and photographed by the world. And preserved forever, constantly repeated, never dead but always alive. In every household, admired and praised like a prophet, the prophet promising another life, sometimes, somewhere and for something. A thing magnificent enough to be captured, an image that spreads its hallowed light onto the celluloid. 

Gladys cursed on the way back home, because she ignored Norma Jeans plead for a stop, so she could use a public toilet. She hit her daughter when she smelled that the girl could no longer hold it. The have been on the road for four hours, and Gladys was too taken to know that, to notice that, unlike the many names she counted, the myths she recounted, they, sitting in this run down car, were human. Two human beings, one doomed and the other one cursed.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

"Music Minute" - My September Jams

Well, I think you know that yourself. Every month or so you really have the feeling that there have been so many songs that have become the jams of your month. And the last month, or from Septmber 1st till today, I had many of them. So I sorted out the 20 ones that were my absolute favorites and have made a chart for you! 

And damn! This playlist is on fire! Gurrl! Ther might be some artist there more than one time, but belive me, it make s sense, especially in the case of Sky Ferreira. So sit back, listen and enjoy!

20.  Aviation High - Semi Precious Weapons

19. Who Are You Really ? - Mikky Ekko

18. Red - Cher

17. Call Your Girlfriehnd - Robyn

16. Controversy - Natalia Kills

15. Lost In My Bedroom - Sky Ferreira

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Music Minute" - #BANGERZ Whooped our Asses! - A Track by Track Review

Well, you sure do know that I love me some after Disney Miley Cyrus, and yes by that I mean that I take her with her weird tongue and her sometimes ridiculous twerking. And now the bitch has set BANGREZ free for streaming on iTunes, and of course I am gonna review it track by track! So hit it!


First off, the album covers. There are 6 possible album covers for BANGERZ. And, all of them are great and I really like them, I would choose number 2 and number 4 my favorites. But this is not set in stone, and never will be since I love the concept of the cover. It has something trashy and hipster to it with a vibrant 80's feeling. The neon sign for BANGERZ is one of the best ideas I have ever seen to spell an album title. And in defense of cover number three, all I can say is: Grow up, and get used to some skin. I mean its common in pop to be revealing. There you go!

Okay lets start this review off and go right trough BANGERZ, track by track.

01. Adore You

Wow! It is a strong thing to start off an album called BANGERZ with such a slow song, that on top off all is a ballad. No tongue, no twerking & no party on this one. The song is beautiful and really ensures that the listener knows from the very beginning of the album that this is really a record from an adult, and no Hanna Montanna in sight. Could be seen as an love ode to former fiance Liam Hemswortth and is lyrically seen just very smart. I like it and it definitly is a strong opener. A 9/10 for the beginning makes the song a true banger in the rating!

02. We Cant Stop

Love it. Have twerked, danced, showered, driven car and whatever to it.  My jam. If you want to get a deep review of it check it out here! Definitely a 10/10 on my scale!

03. SMS (Bangerz) (Feat. Britney Spears)

Uhm that one sure in a BANGERZ song! I mean Brit and Miley: Hell Yeah! Miley sure has the voice for it, allthough it sounds a bit forced. But to pull off lyrics as "They ask me how I keep a man / I keep a battery pack" you have to have balls, and Miley might have big ones. I like the dirty sexy vibe of the song and the Brit part sets it on fire! A great song for party and sexy time, but its questionably if im gonna like it after 100 spins so "just" 8,5/10. But still: WHOAH! And fuck to all those who say its sounds bad, cause it does not!!

04. 4x4 (Feat. Nelly)

Hell the girl puts it up! This one is an electro pop country song that has something funny to it, and Miles voice really comes to carry. Its unexpected and fun and has great lyrics as well, when Miley declares herself a female rebel. And by that she aint that wrong, I mean media claim her to be rebellious. The Nelly part is even better, and her sure raps her out, but he is Nelly and this is Mileys first grab on hip hop and rap. The song in general gets a 8/10 from me.

05. My Darlin' (Feat. Future)

First one on BANGERZ that has something to it that is not for me. This one at parts really is too slow. But its so nice that she explores anoter genre already when it comes to ballads. But here you seem to already know that Miley does so much about love and her relation that you thing: "Jeez, thats hopefully the last Liam H. referenced song!" - And no it isnt. But still a very solid and enjoyable song that deserves a good 7,5/10.