Icons are everywhere!

An icon is someone who makes an effort. Art makes an effort. Therefore art is an icon. Marilyn Monroe was and is an icon and a work of art as well. Hence Marilyn Monroe and art have a nature in common. Icon - Art - Marilyn is iconic.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

No money, no family ....

... 16 in the middle of Miami

Iggy Azalea

See there I have to admit that I have a serious crush on the music and the looks of Iggy Azalea. (Even though she is in a major fight with Azealia Banks, whom I also adore!)

Well the inspiration behind this picture is Iggy Azaleas: Work - Video. Not only the video is great but also the song is sick! I mean its so awsome!


Valley girls giving blowjobs for Louboutins.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Iggy Azalea - A black woman caught in the body of a swedish milk bun

Whoever said that females can not do hard rap: go and cry! Because after you have checked out Iggy azalea you will never again trust a super model. because this female MC looks like a supermodel and has a filthy rap mouth like a seaman! So here are Iggy`s Videos for Work and for Pu$$y .

I think i will do a lot of drawing concerning her since she is that fukin amzing and gorgeous. But her sound is, that one has to admit very unusual.

Next in my list would be Azealia Banks who has some serious beef wit Iggy.

So stay tuned!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Talking Dirty Dishes - Again!


Obviously I have this crazy obsession with dishes that are, allegedly, very dirty, or as some might say inappropriate. But I can not help it. I am so in love whit the cup that I want to buy it (Even though it totally is overpriced and silly - but I LOVE IT!). And who says someone acting like a gentlemen should can not drink in style and be inappropriate at the same time. (Except for the fact that i am (A) not well behaved (B) have no sense of manners and (C) am not only inappropriate sometimes but rather all the time.) But, for your consideration, I have to say that I never had a fair chance of developing a disgust to dirty dishes since that b*tch called Stefani Germanotta aka. Lady Gaga used this scandalous (as if!) cup. 

So all i can say is: What a whoresome cup! 

P.S.: I hope that no one is whore-rified by this pottery percersion! (?)*

* I hardly doubt it.

Dirty Dishes..

Uhm found this one here: http://eu.fab.com/sale/5964/product/97311/?usid=6

MUST HAVE. Love at first sight. Nothing else to say. 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Campus Kandinsky - So wars/ist es!

Heute war ich bei der Vernissage zur Ausstellung von Campus Kandinsky. Und ich muss sagen die haben ganz schön was aufgefahren! Im Bayreuther Aktienkeller könnt Ihr bis zum 17.03.2013 noch die Werke bestaunen die dort ausestellt sind. Hier kommen, neben schamloser Selbstvermarktung meines eigenen Bildes, noch ein paar andere Bilder, also die, die  ich sofort in mein Herz geschlossen habe.

By the way: Die Idee eine Kunstausstellung in einer Art Katakomben zu machen ist echt Hammer!

Schamlos noch einmal hier mein Bild. *HUST*

Mir hat sehr gut gefallen das mein Bild zwar mit anderen zusammen an einer Wand hängt, jedoch war meins der einzige Druck, die Anderen waren alle Acryl auf Leinwand. Was cool zu beobachten war is das alle hingeschaut haben, viele aber sich nicht ganz mit dem Bild beschäftigt haben. Einige Andere haben sich aber regelrecht davorgestellt und  sich überlegt was/wer/wie/wo/wasauchimmer es ist. 

Also kam ich meiner Intention, ein Bild nach Warhols Wahrnehmungs- und Interpretationstheorie zu schaffen, wohl gut nach. Denn wie sagte Andy Warhol schon sagte: "Ich fürchte wenn man nur lang genug auf etwas schaut verliert es all seine Bedeutung!" und "Widerholung befreit von Sinn!". Was bedeutet das etwas immer wieder zu reproduzieren (meine Bilder von Ikonen) lässt es zur leeren Plattform für Interpretationen werden.

Und hier nun meine Favourites aus der Ausstellung:

Hat mich an  Madonna erinnert. Weiß auch nicht so genau warrum, aber ich fand es schön!

Einfach nur sehr beeidruckend. Ich fand auch den Titel gut gewählt. Heißt Alter Mann.

Erinert mich an die frühen Werbezeichnungen von Warhol.

Nichts zu sagen. Einfach nur gut.

Erinnert mich an Warhols Brillo Boxes.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

We all know that she is powerfull.... but might she be thatpowerfull?(!)

Okay people lets cut the crap. We all know Oprah. And we know that she is a great person and so on blah blah blah. Fact is she does think she is bigger than Jesus, and yes i do have to admit that Kathy Griffin is right making a joke with Oprah getting a paper cut and screamin STIGMAAATAAAA. Thinking that she might have even picked the president of the US is funny but reqlly guys.... she might have picked. BAM. Oprah stamp of approval.

Soooo since the popes chair is "sede vacant" and the convoave beginning on tuesday we might see white smoke somming form the sistine chapels chimney after like 10 minutes or so. And exactly 1 second later we will hear it, all over the Vatican, Rome and half of Europe: GAAAAYYYYLEEE, I DID IIIIIIT! I AAAAMMM THAAAA PPOOOOOOOPPEEEE! And then she will remodel the church. And from then on every church member who is baptised will need to worship her, and OWN needs to be on 24/7. So them we are going to be oprahs bitch.

Well there are worse things to happen. Hahahah.

P.S.: Now i fear that Oprah will send Gayle to come over and kill me. I should probably call Kathy Griffin and ask for tips how not to get killed by Oprah, since she does a great job surviving the most powerful Hollywood couple: Oyle.(Oprah and Gayle)

I Love Art - Like a Church Candle.


It seems like we want to be sad. And to have unfulfilled desires.

The silver sparkly linings in her face that tell us stories, we should feel 
sorry about missing out on them, make us all melt like wax in a burning 
church candle. The soft sweetness of her eyes that turn a man, making
 him spend his hard earned money on her voice and beauty. 

With her ability to create a world of blur around her, making it this magical place,
 she made time go another way. 

She created this scene when she entered this room. She was so charismatic, magnetic and mesmerizing. 
The sparkles her eyes had made her this fairy tale creature we all wish we were.
 She makes us feel sad that we cant create this scene. But for exactly that we do love her.
 We love that she leaves us in this desiring mood for a time which will never come back....

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Im cheating on painting & drawing....

.. with interior decoration! Since this has been always an interest of mine (seriously: I F*CKIN LOVE beautiful things to decorate, and who doesn't?) I have fallen in love with this vase the first time I have seen it, and now I finally purchased it! Well its pretty stylish and, as Mrs. Kathy Griffin a.k.a. DIVA, would describe it: "Mid-Century-Palms-Springs-Gay". And obviously Mrs. Kathy knows good taste!

Its my Moms birthday!

So even though she probably wont read it here, and her English is not that good, so she might not even be able to perfectly translate it into German, i also would like to wish her all the best and congratulate her!