Well, I have dragged this one along for ever and did not do it at first when I decided to write on Applause, but now it is up. I'm gonna do some bitchy and tacky reviewing on Katy Perry's "ROAR".

The actual song is well.... Okay start with the good sides. The idea is good, like the title in general and loved the ad campaign that hailed in a new age for Katy. But the idea of an uplifting song was buried ten miles under the sea by the mediocre lyrics and the idea less sound. Oh please! I mean the song starts off with a boring beginning that sound like some other song she already did and the hook this one turns in the is so lame and underwhelming that it gets me to sleep. And dot even get me started on the refrain. "I got the eye of the tiger .. blah blah blah!" What is up Katy? Did you watch to many bad movies or what? I like d all the songs of Teenage Dream better! The had more depth! Because that I'm gonna grow and ROAR you away thing is boring as fuck! I mean every student from 5th grade can give you that! And the songs peak flat lines as well. BUT: The song is a perfect fit for sing along and the radio. I mean come on, even though i kinda not like it, I can sing along and bought it! And the mainstream thing I hate so much bout it makes it go up the charts like a second "Call Me Maybe". Apparently the epidemic is spreading. So, I'm gonna be a nice bitch and make it a 5/10 to honor the good production and its sing-ability. And FYI: The song is like a 2.0 version of Firework, but only really bad. Its like a sequel that should not have made its way to the cinemas.
And last, but not least, the music video. I liked the poster that announced it to be that jungle and comic thing. and then I watched it. I wanted to say something good so badly., but truth be told: I can't. the video is so fake looking that it hurts, and don't pull the camp card on me. I know camp when I see it, and that is NOT camp, that is crap! Sorry(?)! The only thing good about is the scene where she uses her heel to make a spear. And the rest is just so bad that I was glad when it was over. Not even the tiger appearing got me in it, and that is pretty much it. It would have been a blast when she would have used that technicolor/comic thing more. Sorry katy but its another no for me. But to be a good boy I'm still gonna give it a 4/10.
So summarized I can definitely say that "ROAR" is no ROAR and really a rather mediocre MEOW, not even a sexy PURR! And you should be glad I did not include originality of live performance at the VMAS up as a category, cause this one was boring, unoriginal (We have seen the boxing ring too much everywhere, its like Ed Hardy!) and most of all: forgettable! I wish I could give Katy better grades, since I really love her. ROAR in complete gets a score from 9 out of 25 points. That would be near an F! Sorry but I don't feel it, I don't see an artistic development, and sales numbers and statistics are irrelevant ere! Lets hope for PRISM to be better, but with that horrible album cover? Don't even get me started....
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