As I have started the list of my Top 20 songs of 2013 yesterday, and gave you numbers 20 till 11, including the honorary mention and list widening number 21, now we will get down to buisness and crack the nut (I know, a bad Christmas joke, right?) Lets get this Twerpocalypse on the go!

Since she popped onto the scene of pop music Natali Kills has taken my heart by storm. And "Trouble", as the name giving song from her second album, is jut earcandy. And there aint no better gift Natalia could have made to her fans then her second studio album with a banging title track. Trouble begins as a slow song and then developes into this high energy overflower of a title track. Just a sing along and a perfect number 10.
Icona Pop have taken the world by storm in 2013 and might be the best thing ever happened to electronic dance and pop music since Lady Gaga. Their song Girlfireind not only happened to be the song stuck in myy ear but as well my favorite song from their debut album "This is... Icona Pop". Very light hearted but full of good vibe beat thunder "Girlfiend" may get off lesbian vibes, and that s good, but the two are not a couple.

Oh, what have we been gagging at the return of the Empress of Pop and Drak Lady herself! And "Womans World" is all taht we love about Cher She pulls out all disco, combines it with dance and maes it about femnism. What is not to absolutely adore about it? At the club it is a banger, for the car as wel and you simply can not help but to sing along! And after all the music industry is a "Womans World" and Cher is the motherfucking empress!
#07 - "Close To You" by Neon Trees from "Picture Show" (2012)
One of my personal new discoveries of 2013 but a definite exception when it comes to the release date, "Close To You" is one of these tracks that make you want to cuddle your better half as hard as possible and never let go of that person. A bit melodramatic, a bit rock and a whole lot of feeling to it. A definite must in this playlist even if not released in this year.
#06 - "Do My Thang" by Miley Cyrus from "Bangerz" (2013)
BY now everyone should ave got the hint that 2013 maked the year of the #TWERPOCALYPSE. And who is guilty of bringing it upon us? Miley Cyrus. And hate on her or not but she definitely belongs on the list, especially with BAGNERZ really beein a good ablum. And "Do My Thang" definitely is my favorite track off that jam. It hits all the right notes and gets this mood out that says im cool, im here, i rap (even though I am white) and deal with it!

I have been waiting for the new Gaga album forever and I was not disappointed as I heard it for the first tme. I fell immediately in love with "Sexxx Dreams" when she first performed it during her appearance at this years I-Tunes Festival. Slow, sensual, sexy, and seductive. That is waht makes "Sexxx Dreams" living up to its name. A killer hook that featurs one of the longest # ever (#WhenILayInBedITouchMyselfWhenIThinkOfYou) and a vibrant beat and guitar that should get everyone going.

Sky prooved to be a real insider tip this year as she was kind of in the scene aready but her label seemed to not have taken so much interest into her. So it took forever to release her debut album "Night Time, My Time". "You're Not The One" is the lead single that really rocks the 80's elcetropop with huge indie waves and a great reminiscence of David Bowies "Low". A definite must have on everyones IPod as well as...

...this song as it has really dominated my playlists this year. Beeing the second exception on this list due to its release year it definitely is one of the great records of our time. Since Sky melancholy has never looked and sounded any better and we just love it. Witty, humorous and smart "Everything Is Embaressing" is a smart dance pop, funk number from the slow kind that gives you life while listening while it has a clear hint of this Lana Del Rey sadness. Probably one of the best songs this year, as it has been released as a single in 2013.

The title track of "ARTPOP" gives us what the whole concept of ARTPOP is all about: rawness, elctronic vibration and a hybrids of the unlikeliest kinds. Music wise the song gives us the full essence of the album as it flows all over the place with synth pop beats, edm influences and a high dose of out of this world sounds. "We could, we could belong together" and "Artpop could mean anything" give us the clear impression that Gaga will have more in stores for us with the whole concept of the reverse warholian experience.

The defnite song of the year is "We Can't Stop". Love it, hate it, despise it or adore it. There was no way one could escape this song in 2013. As Miley has made her debut in the adult music industry it is to be noticed that besides controvrsial lyris and a slighty shocking music video she has creatd her own brand of music: dirty south hip hop inspired pop with electronic nuances. "We Can't Stop" is a mid tempo pop song that had us all, you know you tried, twerking, if we can or can't. See? This number one is the #TWERPOCALYPSE i was talking about!
Thats it. Im off. Possibly twerking. #TWERPOCALYPSE
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