Okay, give me a minute to start this review of season sevens first episode “Jesus Gonna Be Here”, because even after watching it like three times it still is kind of… well different. And I am not sure in what way different.
The episode starts off with a recap of season six and the after HBO’s logo black and whites in goes straight to Sookie in the middle of the Hep-V vamps attacking the mixer at Bellefleurs. And boy, these vampires are the shit! They hungry for blood, as they are gonna die anyway. And for real, who can blame them? They basically got screwed over by the government, so why not go savage? However Holly, Arlene and Sam’s girlfriend get kidnapped amongst others while Olivia give some hot staking action saving Jason. Yet the scene has a major bummer as True Blood makes decided to let Tara be killed in the fight for her mothers safety. What a damn bummer! Seriously? We have been waiting to see more of her. That is kind of sad to kill her off after just about 15 seconds on screen time of the season.

Anyways, as the vampires retreat after a whistle (Why did they retreat?) everyone thinks one thing while hiding in Bellefleur’s Bar and Grill: Its all Sookies fault. She is a vampire whore who, would she have kept her legs shut, would have not caused all this. And Sookie, the fae she is, hears these thoughts. Even Alcide thinks its kinda crazy that Sookie likes vamps. All I can say to that: Ya’ll in Bon temps overreact. As if it was her fault alone! (I’m looking at you Bill, Governor Bourell, Sarah Newlin, Vampire Authority, Lillith etc.)
As the people of Bon Temps start to get home protected by their assigned Vamps, Jessica protects Andy’s remaining fae daughter Adaline from a Hep-V vamp all night long, Adaline drinks her blood and invites Jessica in. Possible friendship ahead? Yes. Meanwhile Sam is exposed as a changer to his former opponent in the mayoral election, Bill and Andy search trough an old Slaughterhouse to see if the Hep-V’s are nesting there. In a confrontation with Sam’s former opponent in the election Andy saves Bills life, however reminding him he only did so cause they need him, and he really has done unspeakable to him and his daughters. Good for you Bill, and Andy, well at least you did the right thing. Bon Temps Sheriff seems to have been elected right.
Meanwhile Jason and Olivia check out another possible nesting place, and once again are confronted with Sam’s former opponent. Tides get wobbly, Olivia gets cocky as fuck and Jason annoyed by her taking control all the time. On the way back home they fight, and Jason finally is allowed to fuck her. And his rant was apparently all she has been waiting for. Could this be a relationship that works out for once? I mean True Blood is not famous for happily ever after!
Lafayette is brought home by Jessica’s vampire boyfriend James, they talk, smoke and the talks get quite intellectual. You know, about war, violence, peace, pity, loss and the feeling of it. Oh, there is mourning for Tara (?). Our beloved first bitch in charge , Pam, is seen in Morocco playing Russian roulette to get info about Eric’s where about. She looks broken and her monologue reveals her emotional crisis. I mean how else would one describe sentences as “You and my god can get together and have a circle jerk in a motel. Meanwhile ill be in hell having a threeway with the devil!” Seems like the woman has lost it all, as I don’t even see perfect eyeliner. I mean she even wore flawless make up in vamp camp last season. But thank god her swearing has not run down. (Lovely, aint she?) On another note: Tara’s mom goes nuts on vamp blood given to her by Willa to heal, as she sees Tara. Poor Letti-Mae (?). Willa now protects letti-Mae and the reverend, who offers her a place to stay, as she has no one left and does not feel she is up to go back to Fangtasia. (You know, with Taras stuff there and all!) She should have on the other hand, as that is where the Hep-V’s hold their abductees and nest. By the way: they kill them by their ability to scream. (And hello: that really s scary and savagely bestial if you give it a thought!).
The episode ends by the morning after in church where Sookie can hear everyone’s thoughts that basically say: Get out of here you whore!” She then gives a “ I love you all, even though you hate me, I love Bon Temps etc talk”. Oh, by the way, she and Alcide made up. Good for her.
All in all: the episode was what was to be expected: unexpected. It felt a little long and dragged out, just like season six first episode, with good and bad pieces. However we might not fear, at least I think so, as last season got better as well. However the major disappointment of no Eric and Tara no more lays pretty crude. But thinking about all of it: Willa is the one that totally get screwed over: She really has no one left. For next week: Lets hope True Blood comes back from the dead and not finalize jumping the shark. On a scale of one to ten, well let’s give this episode a six and a half and since its True Blood and I am an optimist, make it seven.