It is though that the last season of True Blood, season seven, will grace our screens this year, more specifically starting June 22nd. And with one sad eye and with smiling one I am looking foreword to this, hopefully bombastic, end of such a great series.

The general storyline seems to be that the Hep-V vamps are out for any human alive to drink. And it does not seem that the Bon Temps forks have any intention of taking it, and fighting back. No, apparently they leave and blame Sookie for what happened. Did Pam prove right about Sookie and her precious fairy vagina? And after all, will we see Bill and her reunite, or will she stay with Alcide, who hopefully gets more lines then "I am the pack master!" tho season. Or will, please let it be like that, she reunite with yummy Eric Northman. What about Pam and Tara, and how about Olivia and Jason? Even more pressuring: Which one of our characters will die? (Please make it Bill!) And even more important: Will the series close all its questions or will it yet be another insufficient ending like so many other series had?
Besides all that the trailer sees a Tara with her mom, Jessica swearing to protect Andy's remaining fairy daughter and there appears to be no sight of Eric. And that definitely raises the expectations as no one wants their favorite sexy vamp to have taken his last bite.
In conclusion we might be very much looking forward to this, however, I hope that the series keeps in touch with the ideas it has touched upon the first seasons. May the gender bending and LGBT allegories continue. And may the series please continue to show that vampires are more hum alike then they want to think and vice versa for humans. Lets all take a deep bite and enjoy! taste you later Truebies!
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