Icons are everywhere!

An icon is someone who makes an effort. Art makes an effort. Therefore art is an icon. Marilyn Monroe was and is an icon and a work of art as well. Hence Marilyn Monroe and art have a nature in common. Icon - Art - Marilyn is iconic.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

"Music Minute" - Natalia Kills strikes!

I love me some perfectionist and since Natalia Kills has released her debut album "Perfectionist" I was madly in love with her and her sort of performance. Even though my ears can't stand to listen "Free" once more, without bleeding, since the radio stations have so overplayed it! But Kills has promised her fans to make a comeback with a new album and new songs. 

We already got a little review of which direction the album by that fierce musician would be when she released a song and a music video called "Kill My Boyfriend" which I very much enjoyed watching and listening! You can listen and watch "Kill My Boyfriend" below, and you should because it is awesome!

And after she put out "Kill My Boyfriend" I was like: Okay this is just something to give us a little taste for the album and could mean the album is gonna come pretty soon!. Well I was wrong because some time later Kills presented a new song and a new music video called Controversy" which I immediately loved to death! 
Check it out right here:

And then I though that this was the new single for the album. Well, one again I was wrong because a very long whole later Kills released another song called "Problem" which for me was a little problematic because I think it's okay but not that awesome. But the video is. And this video has been released some days ago, so check it out right here: (And if VEVEO is not working in you country maybe this on VIMEO will work so go and watch here.)

And as is that would not have been enough the girl just decided to go eve further and give her promo another shot by releasing a new single called: "Saturday Night" and this single really is so great.Its unconventional and more experimental for Natalia than "Problem". So enjoy and listen to it here:

So, enjoy that and make sure to buy the album when it becomes available since Natalia is still a small artist worth to support!

"I Love Art!" - Private in Public starring Lindsay Lohan

Paparazzi's Buzzing Around With Cameras - Take my Picture, I Wanna Be A Star

Just another drawing from the surprisingly interesting Lindsay Lohan, who hasn't got that much of a problem with her privacy. So she is "Private in Public".

Private in Public  means anything goes! And anything for Lindsay means a great pullover dress with a huge amount of charm and voluptuous lips!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

"Just in!" & "Music Minute" - The Queen is back, well sort of!

Yes you red it right, the queen of pop music and philantopist queen of the gays (Sorry Kathy Griffin, but you are the "Comedy Queen of the Gays") Lady Gaga is back again! When it comes to her gays Gaga breaks her media hiatus and takes n her twitter to tweet against DOMA!

Yesterday the fierce fashion forward musician and performer took the stage at a NYC pride event and hold a speech in favor of the LGBT IQA community in which she said to the attending people:

"We are not a niche. We are a huge part of humankind. It is time for us to be mainstream. I demand rights! Enough is enough!" 

In my mind I am already imagining the posters for the next presidential election in the states with "Gaga/RuPaul for President!" I'm living it. And of course the Lady has not just left the stage without giving a little performance. So she took the mic and sang "The Star Spangled Banner" in such a beautiful way, that proves she has been doing some voice exercising! Halleluja! (Watch her performance of the national anthem below this post!)

Picture belongs to DarkoMiliadinovski on Wikimedia Commons, under Creative Commons License.

Another nice thing to know about our Lady in charge is that the annual Forbes list of the most powerful musicians has come out. And the outcome is great since Gaga came out: on top! And what better than that? Forbes ensures their readers that, even though she had to cancel some shows, the Born This Way Ball had grossed about 168 million $ and would have easily earned over 200 million $ is Gaga were not to cancel the other ones, du to the hip surgery she had to undergo. Even better though are the news that her twitter followers (38 million) and her Facebook likes (58 million) have gained her some respect and that everyone over at Forbes awaits ARTPOP to be released in the fall of 2013! Isn't that great?

Gossip allegedly has said that Lady Gaga has rented a luxurious apartment in Manhattan which she furnished with designer furniture matching her taste. The apartment is said to have about 184 meters square, 2 bedrooms, a huge kitchen (Since we know you are Italian, Gaga!), a fire place and a huge terrace with an absolutely amazing view over central park. This kind of apartment is going to be expensive as hell since living space in Manhattan is like a Kardashian with a huge IQ. Right: nearly not possible to find! She is said to pay about 15.000 € rent per month! Gaga, you better work and by that apartment after you released ARTPOP!

So now, enjoy Gaga's performance of "The Star Spangled Banner":

"Just in!" - Victory against DOMA

Rejoice with joy LGBT IQA community. After that shitty Prop8 has terrorized brave LGBT IQA members of America. Then DOMA popped up and has threatened everyone as well, so the Supreme Court had to make some decisions.

And the fact is that these supreme court people have taken a step into the right direction and have made some wise decisions by striking DOMA, the Defense Of  Marriage Act, down!  Just the sheer thought of them making a step recognizable like the end of racial segregation. And in 40 years people will say that it was about time and that they can not understand why this has not taken place earlier, since it was 2013!

So celebrate the end of DOMA and if you can marry in you state in the US, and you happened to be a member of the LGBT IQA community, go and get the fuck married! (And yes, I know I am late to that party!)

Friday, June 28, 2013

"I Love Art" - Lindsay Lohan starring in: Private in Public

Time for just another picture form my candid series "Private in Public: Starring Lindsay Lohan." You know, so it was just another day for Miss Lohan, another day with shopping and al that stuff. So she just got home and took her camera to take a quick shot.

So get into it and enjoy this newest chapter in this "I Love Art" series, and gag on the candid realness!

Uhh Gurrl! She is giving us full face and bikini realness! And I mean: Seriously: How could you resist that smile? You can not!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

"Music Minute" - Music from Fangtasia

Hey there! In this episode of "Music Minute" I wont be talking about some artist in general but about all the music I liked that has been played in the vampire bar "Fangtasia" from HBO's hit series "True Blood". Since "Fangstasia" is owned by my two favorite characters Pam and Eric it, of course, has some bad ass  music, basically the best music from all the series.

So to not let you starve on what is playing in "Fangtasia" here are my 11 favorite songs I have heard over the last 5 seasons. 

01. Beneath Contempt by Flesh Field

02. Deeper Into You by Johnny Hazzard

03. Die Slow by HEALTH

"I watch it, so should you!" - Samantha - Feminist(?) - Jones Part 2

Great that you have checked back here for the conclusion of "Samantha - Feminist(?) - Jones"! In the first part of this "I watch it, so should you!" you got an overview about who Samantha Jones is and what her life in a short cut is like. Also I have schooled you about what feminism really is. You hopefully still know what these three waves have been about. Okay, so we will get started:

The third wave of feminism is all about decision making. So lets play the game of "Give me the stereotypes!" In this game I will give you the stereotypical, if forced horribly wrong, picture of what the stupid parts of society think a woman is supposed to be. She has to have children and raise them, get married before 30, be loyal to her husband,  keep up the house, eventually have a job, cook and bake, wash and steam iron, support her family and sacrifice her own luck for the families. So basically she should be a wife, mother, worker, housewife, partner in life and supporter at once. Pretty much a very conservative picture of a woman, not to say a horrible picture. From this point of view she could even be an Amish woman. (#SorryNotSorry about the Amish comment!)

Picture/GIF belongs to HBO

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"I watch it, so should you!" - Samantha - Feminist(?) - Jones Part 1

"Sex and the City" for six, and even more years, has been the holy grail of what nearly everybody (including many straight men) considers to be a "women series".  Not only the high quotes made HBO loving this series, but also the good storytelling and good stories made it a viewer’s favorite. But a series about 4 single women, all straight, ultimately leads to the question: Is this series to be considered pro feminism or not, especially with a character like Samantha Jones?

Picture belongs to HBO
Okay for those of you who live under a rock, behind the moon or have been hiding somewhere without Internet, TV or some other media i will give you a sum up of who Samantha Jones is. Samantha Jones is a 42 year woman (in the first season) who has her own PR firm and is a successful business woman. Unlike many others her age Samantha is not interested in finding a man to marry, or already being married, rather more finding a man to fuck her. And if possible a different one(s) for each and every day of the week. Throughout the 6 seasons of "Sex and the City" she had some relationships and some even a bit longer, but she had never had the urge to make her walk up the isle. Basically you get the picture, I guess: The female equivalent of a toxic bachelor, who is in charge of her own finances and life. But: is her "whoring it up", as I like to call it (And I am all "pro whore" and in favor of such women), understood to be feminist or rather not? Can we call Samantha - Fuckenstein (Insiders will get what I am preaching ^^) - Jones a feminist?

Okay first things first: best would be to give you all a short layout on what feminism really is, because its lot more than "Go Green" and "I'm burning my bra for gender equality" women! Feminism basically can be divided up into three waves and is an umbrella term for all movements, theories and ideologies that try to work on establishing an defining equality of the genders in all terms, including politics, social things and such stuff. The first wave of feminism could be dated back to the 19th and early 20th century. During that time women fought for really basic rights which we consider given for each and every one of us, such as the right to vote, own stuff and having right in a marriage.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"I watch it, so should you!" - Movies I am super excited for!

Hey all of you! This summer so far has been, from the point of weather, a mess. Lets be honest: some extra super hot days do not count for a summer since not was not really a great thing and most people suffered from the heat way more than enjoying it actually. So what to do when its super hot or either pretty cold for summer? Go to the movies! And that is what I am excited for this summer.

What you will get her is a list of some of the movies I am very eager to get my eyes on this summer, or better said, the rest of the year. So lets dive right into this movie extravaganza!

Kick Ass 2 
*August, 14th, 2013*

I have already seen the first one in the series and I loved the campy and warholian vibe to it. It has this sense of surreal reality that I really enjoy and somehow, I mean in a freaking weird sense, it also has that sort of message to it, to do better in live. Maybe not as a superhero, but maybe as a person helping others. So tze sequel should be a hot mess!

Percy Jackson: The Sea of Monsters
*August, 7th, 2013*

I have like not only read, but rather more, eaten all of the Percy Jackson books. I was fascinated by ancient greek stories about the goods and demigods since i was a little boy. The books took me by storm, the first movie was , it was not a blast, but it was kind of good, so I can not wait to get to see the sequel!

Catching Fire
*November, 11th, 2013*

Okay, no need to say that I am obsessed with the Hunger Games trilogy, but this one is getting me to go nuts for it: I mean how can you not get mad abut that story? Its fucking awesome!

Monday, June 24, 2013

"Just in!" - #BungaNoMore Berlusconi, we have had it with you!

Photo belongs to DonkeyHotey on Flickr,
under Creative Common License.

This is such a great day for women, democrats and people who care about Italy and Europe. I mean seriously this way so overdue!

A milan court has finally come to make a decree about the case of former italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi. The 76 year old politician, rich men and, lets call him, not very lovely person has faced court in first instance and has lost the case. He was accused of having sex with a minor woman known to the press as Ruby. Also he was indicted for abuse of authority. And even though the decree was only first instance and his lawyers are able to go in appeal, it is a first step into the right direction. He was sentenced to be incarcerated seven years and is no longer allowed to take any position in office. 

Truth be told:  I don't think he will ever get into prison, but I hope the denial to take office in any official position will not be overturned. But I think we all should celebrate that this dickbag has finally gotten some borders! This is a good day for women and supporters of women as well since this prick of a man was an absolute sexist pig. Allegedly! 

"Born naked, the rest is Drag!" - RuPaul GIF Extravaganza!

Oh my! I have to say whoever made that: I have to so thank you for that! This is "dragnificient"! I love me some RuPaul GIF's but this one stole the show from all! I mean seriously: She looks amazing, and the opera glass is just OMFG! So good luck, and don't fuck it up!

GIF belongs to its owner, and material to Logo.

"I watch it, so should you!" - Review of True Blood's episode "The Sun"

Picture from watchwithkristin
on Flickr, under creative commons license.

I freely admit that I have an addiction problem when it comes to True Blood. I had like a little pee coming down my leg from the sheer excitement of a new episode. Bad thing is that, since I live in Germany I have to wait till like 5.A.M. on Monday morning until the new episode of True Blood is downloadable from the I-Tunes Store. But anyway: Here is the promised review of the sixth seasons second episode "The Sun"!

!Spoiler Alert! Episode 1 left us off with a bit of a mixture of a shitty and excited feeling. The whole episode was some sort of  a huge over explanation of what happened with Bill and Lillith and everything. but whatever! Episode 2 in my eyes has fully redeemed  episode 1.  So here is my short, not o short, summary of the story.

"I watch it, so should you!" - TV Series i am addicted to!

Hey pop culture fans out there! Even though I do not really watch TV anymore since I don't have a TV at home, and I do not miss it, I watch tons of this stuff on YouTube since some users make all the work and upload stuff. My DVD collection is not that small either! So this is the first episode of the new series: "TV Series I am addicted to!"

Picture belongs to HBO
At first I would of course write about two of my all time favorite reality TV shows "Kathy Griffin - My life on the D-List" and "Joan and Melissa - Joan knows best!". But I have already written abut theses two series, so no need for double trouble on Icon Art Marilyn!

So witch what I am gonna start instead might be, okay crap aside, this is no big surprise for each and every one of you that I will write about "True Blood" which has been starting now newly for a sixth season. And I mean as soon as I have seen that the sixth season pass is now available online I bought that shit! So in celebration of the new sixth season I chose True Blood to be first on the list!

The series is generally a drama series, and believe me: there is tons of Drama going on! And they have added this supernatural thing to it. Generally this means two years before the series started scientists from Japan have discovered a way to create synthetic blood. As part of this the side effect is that the Vampires now come out of their coffins, since they do not longer rely on human blood. Okay and that is just season one. Over the following 5 seasons they add fairies, wear wolves, wear panther, shape shifters, minades, magicians and other crazy shit! And what comes out is the story of Bon Temps waitress Sookie Stackhouse who gets into all the madness by falling in love with vampire Bill Compton. To recap all of the story would be a huge article! So you just have to watch! But all I can give away is:

 In season one it is all about Bill and Sookie getting together, small fight about her with Fangtasia (A Vampire nightclub) owner Eric northman and his progeny Pamela Swynford. Also Bill has to create a progeny as a penalty for killing another vampire to save Sookie. Season 2 is all about the crazy minade Mary Ann which terrorizes Bon Temps and the search for Eric Northmans makes Godric. Season 3 is about the fight of the community against crazy vampire king Russel Edgington. Season 4 is fighting a witch named marnie that wants to destroy all vampires, and season 5 is all about the vampire authority. Okay this is so short cut that you have to read the short synopsis on Wikipedia.

So just as a quick shot: here are some of my favorites from True Blood:

Favorite character (famale):

Pamela Swynford de Beaufort

Picture belongs to HBO

Favorite character (male):

Eric Northman

Picture belongs to HBO

Favorite supernatural species:


Favorite True Blood something:

True Blood (Drink) and the LGBT IQA references

I am so eager to see how episode two of season  comes out! So check out True Blood! 

Sunday, June 23, 2013

"Just in!" & "Music Minute" - Dancing with Miley, or with Molly?

"So la la li la di, we like to party, dancing with _____!" So fill in the blank, because apparently Miley Cyrus has caused it that all the media is going nuts about this "fill in the blank line" from her latest single "We Cant Stop" which I have already written about on Icon Art Marilyn. The thing that is so terrifying is that Miley could either have sung dancing with Miley, or with Molly!

Music Video still  belongs to RCA Records.
Oh yes Molly! For those of you who don't know what "Dancing with Molly" means here is your definition: Dancing with Molly means that you take ecstasy and then go party while you are high. Uhm, Im sorry but that is just so.... not shocking for me. Oh my god She has said it! If I remember correctly Madonna has also at some point in some song referenced the drug, and Miley says that in the song she sings "Dancing with Miley" so calm the fuck down! I mean really? She just sings it, and that does not mean that you will find her stuffing ecstasy into her body 24/7 and being a drug addicted mess. And do you really think that this will increase the use of ecstasy, and make everyone that hears the sing and knows the meaning of "Molly" go and have some? B*tch please!

Its time that a sentence just is a sentence because my counter says I have listened to the song or over 70 times by now and I certainly don't feel the urge to go and have a dance with Molly! I have to say that this is a song about party and in such a song of course there will be made some references, but hello: the song is called "We  Cant Stop"! Irony? And the heat Miss Cyrus gets for that is just a result of (1) the fact that she is a former Disney pinky pie sweetheart and (2) that some stupid people thing all the kids will be "mollying" it up due to that song. I mean, get real! Most of the kids listening to that might not even know that Molly is not just a name. And on the other hand side, you know that all of them papers and magazines hating on her will make her song go through the roof!

So get over it and TWERK!

GIF by US Weekly.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

"Just in!" - Lady Gaga going to be announced Rolling Stones "Woman of the Year 2013"

Okay this is hot of the presses! Some bird has announced something concerning the reigning queen of pop: Lady Gaga, or as you may call her Lady - Fucking - Wins - Everything. Okay the thing is that this is some hot Twitter shit, and by Twitter shit  I am throwing Icon Art Marilyn's Twitter account a lifeline, so go and follow that! But back to the point:

On Twitter, Lady Gaga Fan Account, @LadyGagaNowNet has made a huge announcement that, get your diapers on little monsters before you pee yourself, the Lady is going to be announced as "Woman of the Year 2013" and be featured on the cover of the, guess which month, september issue! I guess "Rolling Stone" knows something we don't. Might Gaga be coming back in August or so? Maybe with a new single or even the Album ARTPOP? We will have to wait for it, or some other bird to spill!

So see the Tweet here, and no, it's no fake!

"Music Minute" - Miley Cyrus "We Cant Stop"

Okay I have to admit that I never ever had thought that I would be writing about Miley Cyrus on my blog. But it has come to the point that I have to freely admit that I really love what Miley has put on her feet. Her lead single "We Cant Stop", of the yet unnamed fourth studio album, has taken me by storm and since the music video has been released I am even more in love with it! 

Picture belongs to RCA Records.
That little Miley has all grown up and finally leaves the Disney girly girl behind herself is no new thing. But that shed make such a huge step with this one record. I would not have put my money on that! But hello! She did it! The song is mid tempo pop with some electronic vibe to it. But still it has that catchieness that you'd expect a pop song to have. The lyrics are also a bit revolting and everyone screams that there might be a cocaine reference in there. But i just have to say that I don't give a shit!

And like everywhere on the trash and celebrity pages they brag about the overly sexy tone, ad that it is inappropriate and everything. I mean this is some kind of bullshit, since I think it is just a song, and in my opinion it is just that they say it because once Miley Cyrus has been a Disney Star, and now, with "W Cant Stop", she finally has broken that pattern, and exactly that is what they do not like.

But go for yourselves and check out the video and the song. I just can say that I absolutely love and adore it. "We Cant Stop" or better said, I cant stop listening!

Friday, June 21, 2013

"Passion for Fashion" & "I watch it, so should you!" - Madonna at the Premier of her MDNA Concert Film

"All hail the queen!", "There is only one queen, and that is Madonna!" or so else could be the mantra of Madonnas latest project: her MDNA concert film. It had its premier on the 18th of June in New York city. The project will first be released on Epix, and the promoting has already begun! So Madge lovers: Get ready for a big concert event!

Picture by Getty Images. 
Madonna attended the premier in a Dolce and Gabbana tuxedo with a matching elegant hat and one sparkly glittery glove. She completely pulled off the world famous and gender bending Marlene Dietrich look. She finished the whole look with a very pale foundation on her face, blood red lips and cracking a little smile, just like her fashion icon Marlene. It seems that the aging, but still fabulous pop diva, might not be the only queen anymore, but still pulls of high quality work and outfits. 

And that is not all: if you compare Madonna and Marlene they have more in common than the M in their names.. way more. Just like Marlene, also Madonna is in a terrible fear of aging. Dietrich did not even leave the house without masking herself. But, as you may have noticed: Madonna does not just sit there and waits for the wrinkly end of the story, no. That would not be MDNA style! She, allegedly,  has gotten herself some botox. And I say: Honey you did right! No single fuck to give t the haters.

But definitely Madonna looked stunning at the MDNA premier, which will be, for me, the concert thing of 2013, unless some other artist will be releasing some stuff, but even then to beat the MDNA concert film will be amazing, just as her look. What is so special about this look is, like i already sad, its gender bending. Even though the effect and the way how to do it is well known and kind of already done, it still gets me, since it is so extremely classical and history proven. 

So make sure to check out the trailer and watch the concert when its broadcasted

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Music -You better not listen to that- Minute - Britney Spears "Ooh La La"

Okay you all know that I normally just write positive stuff, but I have to say that unfortunately, if something is not that good, or if I just don't really like it, I can not write that it is good. And sadly Britney's new song "Ooh    La La" to my ears was more like "Ooh No No - you better stop listening!".

Picture belongs to RCA Records.
Not that I am a Brit-basher, I love me some Britney! - but that song just reminded me of some cheesy badly produced song, with lyrics that were underwhelming! I was disappointed because I really waned Brit to release some cool new song which I could really listen all day long. But honestly "Ooh La La" for me sounded like a cheap and boring mixture of what was left over from her songs from Femme Fatale! And I mean the techno-whatever breakdown somewhere towards the last third of the song made it even more annoying. I'm sorry but I would give this song some rating in between 1 and 2 stars. I mean its not 0 stars since the overall production is okay, but its not 2 stars since even the lyrics were boring and, for me, did not express anything. 

For me Brit should stop getting some hip producers and DJ's and start to engage in some songwriting activities and do some maturing in her musical style. It's time! And when she did that: Believe me I will celebrate her again! The good thing about all that is that it is "just" the song for the credits of "The Smurfs 2".

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"I watch it, so should you!" - RuDunnit!

What happens if you combine the forces of the Top 4 contestants of RuPauls Drag Race Season 4: Sharon Needles, PhiPhi O'Hara, Latrice Royale and Chad Michaels, then include Michelle Visage and add some product placement here and there by Absolut? Yes, you are ABSOLUTly right: "RuDunnit"!

Screenshot belongs to LogoTV
Ru-Dunnit is a film noir detective story starring the Top 4 drag queens of season 4 of RuPauls Drag Race and Michelle Visage (Who could be a Drag Queen herself, and I am sure she is a nellymaker XD). Sharon Needles, who has won the 4th Season of RuPauls Drag Race, comes to meet with private "transvestigator" Michelle Visage because her crown has been stolen! And what is Americas next Drag Superstar to do without her crown? And who we got as possible thiefes? Of course they are no others than Latrice Royale, PhiPhi O'Hara and Chad Michaels aka. Mamma Plastic Surgery. ;) So you have to watch it for the reason of the cast alone and the funny lines. Also the Absolut product placement is ridiculously over the top... and is so campy that I love it! And finally, is it just me, or does Michelle have huuuuge, Elvira like, boobs? Its like they are from boobsforqueens.com! But anyway: You should watch because, seldomly I have seen a commercial with such a story and devotion to it. 

I Love Art - Lady Gaga in "Machete Kills"

Since the movie trailer for "Machete Kills" has been released i was so exciting to do some drawing of the characters we have seen in it! So here you can see Lady Gaga as "La Chamelon".

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Music Minute - Cher "Woman's World"

Okay at first: yes the hiatus on Icon Art Marilyn is finally over!  And the best about it is that the unthinkable thing really has happened: Cher, the goddess of pop, has done it and released a new song called "Woman's World"!

Picture taken form Cher's Twitter account.
And you can not imagine how really happy I am to finally hear new music of Cher! She has been one of my favorite singers and performers ever since I loved music and performance art! The song "Woman's World" is from, what i have heard of it a very cathy song and will, in my opinion develop to be, what else, to be a classic club hit! And it seems as though Cher really wants to make her comeback since she will be performing this new jewel n the 18th of June on the final episode of this seasons "The Voice"! And the best is jet to come, with the diva revealing that the album will be hitting the stores on September 24th! I am so excited for this to happen, i cant even tell you!

And let me tell you: the gay nightclubs will put this on replay for, well for like forever! And they have every reason for it! In my eyes there hasn't been a huge club anthem of the gays since Lady Gaga set Born This Way free. (Sorry Kathy, but "I'll Say It", even though I love it, can not compare to Cher and Gaga's music!)

Also I am so excited to see when she reveals the album cover, and how the video to the single will look like. Oh and, I nearly forgot that: the new album of Cher will be called "Close to the Truth". Don't forget to listen to the single here and make sure to buy the single as fast as possible! #SupportTheDiva

Friday, June 14, 2013

Just in! - Hiatus Break - Willam Belli is the best ever!

If Willam Belli comments on something that you wrote about her, you mist have (a) done something right and/or (b) pissed her off a little. I think I did both , but we all know this comment of hers proves im right. 

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Im sorry but...

From today on I will put Icon Art Marilyn to a 6-10 days hiatus, since the display of my computer is broken and I have to get it repaired! But make sure to check the Icon Art MArilyn Facebook page, to get info when Icon Art Marilyn is back!

Friday, June 7, 2013

I Love Art - Lady Selfie!

We all know and love her. The first Lady and reigning queen of pop: Lady Gaga! An´d this Lady has taken some selfies for her twitter over the time! Her you can see my favorite one drawn by me! Check out also everything else from the amazing "I Love Art category!"

Smile, lightings and Lady Selfie!

I watch it, so should you! - Kathy Griffin "Calm Down Gurrl!"

Like I have announced in my last episode of "I watch it, so should you!" I was very much excited for Kathy Griffins new special: "Calm Down Gurrl!" which you can watch on YouTube! Since Kathy is a fierce bitch as usual and is merciless as she used to be always I will give you a short summary of the special.

Picture from Wikimedia Commons
In her best look that performer jumps out on stage like she is a jiggly ball. And she starts right now: Jodi Areas is following her on Twitter and Kathy eats it! I mean literally! Her twat has never been more busy! And we get the best sentence ever: "The gays will wait someone out!" when she talks about yummy Anderson Cooper! She works every notch and we get right to her and her 18 year younger boyfriend at Jane Fonda's birthday party! And there we get a little of Longoria and Streisand, I mean what is better? And let me say: She might be over 50 but she still is cursing like a seamen. And like Michelle Visage she is full of semen. Period. =) 

After we get the taste of that Kathy goes on about her boyfriend meeting her family for dinner while they pull down their well behaved masks. And this is some funny shit! I mean really! Oh and did I forget that we get an update on Kathy's dogs Larry and Pom Pom? Besides that Kathy discusses her grandmas vagina and her mother still swears as badly as her!

All I can say is that you must be preeeettty on Ceserp if you dont watch this, and then you would miss out on some seriously good comedy and funny swearing!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just in! - German Constitution Court decides on same sex civil union tax case!

You know I am a huge supporter of the LGBT IQA cause in every country on this planet! Today I received message that finally some decision has been made in Germany concerning taxes in civil unions.

Take a deep breath German members of the LGBT IQA community! You are now finally recognized, even if it took so much effort to get through just with this small topic!  The thing in Germany is that gay and lesbian people con form civil unions. These provide not the same amount of rights and social securities as marriage does. And in the effort to make the union more like marriage and make equality spread its wings there has been a huge effort to at least make the civil union equal to marriage when it comes to taxes. Because people living in civil unions in Germany are not allowed to make tax breaks like married people. 

But today the German Constitution Court in Karlsruhe decided that it is unconstitutional to deny people in civil unions to break taxes. The court decided its decision upon the german basic law, which states in §3 that all people are equal. So the tax discrimination is unconstitutional.

Not only is this a huge step into the direction of equality but also a huge rebuke for the German conservative party CDU/CSU and chancellor Angela Merkel. It is not about a small thing anymore, not something about lowering taxes for hotel owners and not about the regulations concerning traffic states Christop Herwatz from n-tv.de. And I can only say that I for 100% support that opinion. Now it is up fro the German government to make this decision into a law, and get one step closer to equality! 

Quote of the Day #008

“When you become the image of your own imagination, it's the most powerful thing you could ever do."

RuPaul Charles

Besides mother Ru's legendary quote "You are born naked, the rest is drag!" this is my most favorite one by Ru. Basically this fierce queen says that the biggest achievement you can ever make is to redesign yourself in any way you wish without beeing held back by boundaries, people or societes! Just like drag!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I watch it, so should you! - Sister Act

I love me some Whoopie Goldberg! And  the first movie I have ever seen by her is the award winning movie : "Sister Act" And good girl i love it soo much! So lets start! 


Picture Credits belong to 
Touchstone pictures.
The story has probably been told so much that so many people could probably re do the movie on their own. Anyways im gonna tell it to you again!

The stage singer and casino performer Deloris Van Cartier. She is in an affair with the boss of the mafia and sees him killing another man. So she needs to hide since he will kill her and the police puts her into a monastry to hide. She has a hard time to adapt to the lifestyle of a nun. But day after day she fits in a bit better and takes over the chior. The new choir is even gonna sing for the pope. But Deloris past is right behind her .. with guns.

Not only is the movie funny and a family entertainment but also it has a huge potion of social lessons and tension. A need to watch since Whoopi makes the cherry on top of the cream!

Quote of the Day #007

"Men get to be a mixture of the charming mannerisms of the woman they have known."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

What I loike about the quote if the author of the movie "The Great Gatsby" is that it has such a gender bending effect. I mean for the time he has said that the movement of gender and queer was in baby shoes. And he basicaoly says that men are just reflection of the best and most charming manners of woman. And for me this is gender blending and a portion of deconstructing the clice of men.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

"I watch it, so should you!" - Kathy Griffins new special "Gurrl Calm Down"

Hey little Kath-eters! Team Griffin is back with Kathy Griffins newest smacking comedy special "Calm Down Gurl!"

Uhh Gurrl! I think we will have loads and loads of laughs on our hands if we see Kathys new comedy special "Calm Down Gurrl!"! And I am sure it is going to be hillarious! 

Rumors have said that the special includes Kathy calling Justin Bieber, that little gone crazy child, "A Thug". And I mean what is better than that? Hello!!!! This is so good! And also it is said to be a recordbreaking special. And I mean really? It is her 16th special on Bravo and this member of #TeamGriffin is super excited for this. 

And when it comes to the name Griffin explained that: "Why did I name my sixteenth stand up special 'Calm Down Gurrl?’ Have you seen Amanda Bynes’ latest selfie? Oh and GURRL is not gender specific. I would also apply that wisdom to both Lindsey Graham and Lindsay Lohan.”  She could not be more right.  These celebrity nutbags are cray cray and i dont mean the sort of good cray cray!

Kathy will be mercyless on everything and everybody and you can tune in to Bravo to see it yourself!

Quote of the Day 006

"Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets."

Arthur Miller

What I like about this post in particular is that Miller has always been about which responsibilities people have and how they are affected by the American way. And I think he may be right. I mean when it comes to an end we all should hope that the worst we have to deal with are the right regrets.

Monday, June 3, 2013

I Love Art - "Private in Public" starring Lindsay Lohan

Like a candid shot by a paparazzi I have drawn a picture of Miss Lohan   in the frame of a door where she surprises us with a greek toga style dress and open hair, being comfortable at home! All of that in a new drawing of "Private in Public starring Lindsay Lohan"

Oh Lindsay you never let us down! With your street fashion at time look you seem to be gorgeous even though your movie career seems a bit in the toilette! Anyways, we still love you for no obvious reason!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

I Love Art - "Private in Public" starring Lindsay Lohan

Hey Guys! This time I am proud to announce the start of a new series called "Private in Public: Starring Lindsay Lohan. I know she is a discussable person and that her style has changed. Also I can understand if you say she is practically a mess with her Hollywood life and her drug and alcohol abuse. But there is something Elizabeth Taylor about this, even though id like her to stop that since I really think she has some talent as an actress.

The series will be a collection of candid like pictures I draw of her and what I like about them is that they expose her as a human being with flaws and failures. Unlike my last series "Marilyn: The Last Hours" I am not gonna post a picture dally, but much more like a paparazzi hunting for the shot selling big times, I am gonna release them whenever I want.