Icons are everywhere!

An icon is someone who makes an effort. Art makes an effort. Therefore art is an icon. Marilyn Monroe was and is an icon and a work of art as well. Hence Marilyn Monroe and art have a nature in common. Icon - Art - Marilyn is iconic.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

"I watch it, so should you!" - Samantha - Feminist(?) - Jones Part 1

"Sex and the City" for six, and even more years, has been the holy grail of what nearly everybody (including many straight men) considers to be a "women series".  Not only the high quotes made HBO loving this series, but also the good storytelling and good stories made it a viewer’s favorite. But a series about 4 single women, all straight, ultimately leads to the question: Is this series to be considered pro feminism or not, especially with a character like Samantha Jones?

Picture belongs to HBO
Okay for those of you who live under a rock, behind the moon or have been hiding somewhere without Internet, TV or some other media i will give you a sum up of who Samantha Jones is. Samantha Jones is a 42 year woman (in the first season) who has her own PR firm and is a successful business woman. Unlike many others her age Samantha is not interested in finding a man to marry, or already being married, rather more finding a man to fuck her. And if possible a different one(s) for each and every day of the week. Throughout the 6 seasons of "Sex and the City" she had some relationships and some even a bit longer, but she had never had the urge to make her walk up the isle. Basically you get the picture, I guess: The female equivalent of a toxic bachelor, who is in charge of her own finances and life. But: is her "whoring it up", as I like to call it (And I am all "pro whore" and in favor of such women), understood to be feminist or rather not? Can we call Samantha - Fuckenstein (Insiders will get what I am preaching ^^) - Jones a feminist?

Okay first things first: best would be to give you all a short layout on what feminism really is, because its lot more than "Go Green" and "I'm burning my bra for gender equality" women! Feminism basically can be divided up into three waves and is an umbrella term for all movements, theories and ideologies that try to work on establishing an defining equality of the genders in all terms, including politics, social things and such stuff. The first wave of feminism could be dated back to the 19th and early 20th century. During that time women fought for really basic rights which we consider given for each and every one of us, such as the right to vote, own stuff and having right in a marriage.

The second wave of feminism is dated back to the 1960's. What could coin this wave is the fight for abortion rights, the right to decide over women's own bodies and the sexual revolution including the invention of the pill. The third wave of feminism is dated from the 1990's up until today. Very loosely tied together this wave is about the question of choice. Women are fronted with the question of what they want to do with their life. But I must say that my very very short definition of these three waves and feminism in general is so summed up and short cut that there are many things left out. But this is what, in my opinion, everybody at least needs to know. But if you have any interest, go and read about feminism it will be good for you, and by you I mean men and women.

Check out Part 2 to get to know if Samantha Jones is a feminist or not!

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