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Picture from watchwithkristin on Flickr, under creative commons license. |
I freely admit that I have an addiction problem when it comes to True Blood. I had like a little pee coming down my leg from the sheer excitement of a new episode. Bad thing is that, since I live in Germany I have to wait till like 5.A.M. on Monday morning until the new episode of True Blood is downloadable from the I-Tunes Store. But anyway: Here is the promised review of the sixth seasons second episode "The Sun"!
!Spoiler Alert! Episode 1 left us off with a bit of a mixture of a shitty and excited feeling. The whole episode was some sort of a huge over explanation of what happened with Bill and Lillith and everything. but whatever! Episode 2 in my eyes has fully redeemed episode 1. So here is my short, not o short, summary of the story.
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Picture by andreyblade on Flickr, creative commons licensed. |
In Merlotte's bar and Grill Patrick's wife, the soldier that has been killed by the irfrit in season 5, appears and Arlene and Terry tell her he has run of with some other woman. On her way to work Sookie finds some handsome young man lying in the bushes who has been attacked by a vampire since he is, like her, a fairy. His name is Ben and she bring him home to let him have a little rest. In Merlotte's Sam is confronted with some woman who thinks shifters should come out as such publicly, and he does not like that. Meanwhile Bill, still in his some sort of coma, eats up a woman who Jessica has called to feed him. But what is special about that: Bill does not move, he just controls the woman, breaks all her bones and makes all of her blood come out of her mouth into his. Creepy, bad ass and sick as shit, but my favorite moment of this episode!
Jason comes back with his fairy grandfather to show him where Warlow has appeared in Sookies house. While Sookie gets Ben to the fairy strip club, Nora re reads the vampire bible and discovers something, but more importantly, she tells Pam that Eric is so proud of Pam and loves her very much, which Pam desperately needed. (But she would never admit that!) Eric meanwhile imitates a reporter to get near the governor of Louisiana and glamour him to stop the war on vampires. But, another turning point, they have developed contacts for their eyes that make it unable for vampires to glamour humans. The governor tells Eric that he wanted to start war on vampires ever since, but true Blood has made it impossible for him And now he is in the position to do so. Eric of course is able to fell with his ability to fly. Sookie's fairy grandfather reveals that Warlow has been after their family for ever since they are the royal fairy family. And he shows Sookie an attack that can kill any vampire instantly, but since she is only half a fairy she will be no fairy anymore after using this attack. During all this time Lafayette takes care of little Emma but in the evening Martha and Alcide come to take Emma and finally they succeed. In the last scene Jessica starts praying that everyone may be blessed she knows. And she prays to Lillith and God since she does not know if Bill is Lillith. She prays that God and Lillith take good care of and bless Sookie, Jason, Eric, Pam, Tara, Sam, Lafayette, Arlene, Hoyt and last but not least Bill. When she gets upstairs Bill awakens, and the TV turns on, showing vampires tortured and killed, what Bill has seen before he falls inside his coma. The last Lillith said to him is "You must save us! Save us all!" Jessica is happy Bill is awakened and hugs him, while the TV speaker announces that in the state of Louisiana vampires have no rights. The episode ends with Bil announcing that he can see the future. He has a vision in which he sees Pam, Eric, Jessica, Tara and other vampires in some sort of white prison being exposed to the sun and starting to burn.
Okay this episode proved to be a barn burner and has to be the real kick off for the season since we see that Bills powers are unbelievable, Sookie is deadly as fuck for vamps, Eric is pissed, Pam worried, the governor is a bad ass vampire hater, the government has weapons against vampires, Warlow is back and Lillith has plans. Bills future vision, where all these incarcerated vampires are exposed to the sun, might announce the start of a vampire genocide driven by the human government. I am excited as fuck!
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