Hey you guys out there! I want to take on a serious thing this time and show you why it is important to fight for LGBT IQA rights and gay marriage! I have brought you this video called "Mariage = Biology (Not Bigotry)" by the Nation for Marriage account on YouTube. And I will go along and analyze the messages they send out in the video.
At first I want to announce that this is not a hate post and not a defamation post. I respect everyones believes, but I have a strong believe in constructive criticism and in the separation of religion and law.
At first, go ahead and watch the video, since my analysis will be easier to read and understand if you have seen the video!
- I will get right into it and give answer to the central question of the video: "Should marriage be limited to one man and one woman?" - No, it should not. It should be open to any two humans in love!
- The next question given by the video is: "Why does the government promote marriage between one man and one woman?" - Actually I don't think they promote marriage? Its not like I have ever seen a poster that says: "Hey! Get Married!"
- The video states that "Natural Marriage" (Which I will refer to as NM in this post) is for the perpetuation and stabilization of our society. - Well, I disagree. Personally marriage is about love and about taxes. A society could also live without a paper that says you are married.
- The video continues with the reasoning of their argument in the biological nature. - Well, I get that men and women can have children together. Fine with me, but homosexuality is also natural, why would it exist if its not natural? You can not become gay. You either are or not. If you don't believe me, try to go gay! Good luck with it! If you succeed tweet me @s4mlkueh!
- The next question in the video is: "Has the time come to expand our definition of marriage?" - Uhm hell yes! It is not only time, it is long overdue. It is so overdue that I don't want to pay the late charges! Its do overdue its shaming!
- Then the video comes to what a government can do in regard of its citizens behavior. They can either promote (I have never seen a government promoting something, but okay I will roll with this one for simplicity!), permit or prohibit it. Well that is fine with me. The video say the government promotes police work since it benefits society and prohibits drug dealing since it harms society. Up to here I'm A-OK with that.
- Then they go right in and say that the government promotes NM. - When? Where? Why? You mean they allow it! Also let me tell you that the word natural is the biggest misconception since there is no natural. Natural means that it concurs to an original. And there is no proven original to anything. So no original, means no normal. So your argumentation lacks a bit. But okay lets move on!
- They say that the government prohibits pedophelia and incest since it harms society. - Well once more I'm A-OK with that argumentation.
- The video then wants to explain why NM benefits our society:
- 1. It creates children. - You don't need to be married for that. Use your no-no place with the no-no place of someone the opposite gender and your good to go. Marriage has not really that much to do with the fact.
- 2. It best raises children. - That is questionable. Set apart from the parents that mistreat their children and the abandoned children, there are many studies proving that same sex couples can do as well as heterosexual couples. And marriage has nothing to do with raising children. You don't have to be married to raise children right. And what about single parents? Don't try to make it about the (possible) children, make it about the people who want to get married, okay?
- 3. Marriage protects woman. - Excueeze me? You underline that with the following, and I quote: [Women] often give up or postpone their careers to have children from being abandoned and harmed economically by uncommitted men." WTF? There are some words missing. What you maybe want to say is that women often postpone and or abandon their career to have children and protect them from men? Whatever you wanted to say does (A) not protect women at all, and (B) stop making that all about the children! How would twp men or women marry affect children of two heteros? Goddammit! What you promote is highly anti women and anti feminism!
Continue to read after the jump!
- 4. It civilizes men. - Sorry, but I wanna see the statistics, and even if they might be right it is sexist to say so. Basically it makes every man an uncontrolled animal. I refuse to be defined like that.
- 5. Marriage lowers crime, poverty and the possibility of a need to rely on welfare. So the state saves money. - And once more you make it about children. Well the money thing applies to marriage in general. Gender is not a category to take care of in this place. So you argument is invalid.
- So the video says : NM stabilizes society.- Well, marriage in general does. If gay and lesbians can marry they also stabilize it, since it is the institution that brings stability to individuals and not their gender nor desire.
- The video now wants to believe us that Same Sex Marriage (Which I will refer to as SSM) won't provide anything for society. Well, I disagree. SSM provides:
- Number 5 on the list of what NM provides, since marriage provides this in general.
- SSM can maybe not produce children alone but they can either use a surrogate, adopt or (lesbians) have artificial insemination. And, believe me, these children are wanted. It is always a huge decision whether to have a child or not in a SSM. Any of these 3 ways is expansive, has a lot of bureaucracy to it and is always well thought. These children are wanted and loved. And love, care and security are the most important things for children.. And when it comes to gender roles.. Well that stuff is more than discussable.
- So then you want to tell us that SSM would hurt society. - If we would go along your interpretation, which I would never, SSM just not provides benefits for society but how would it hurt society? Exactly... It would not! When you follow my logical argumentation you will see that it benefits society!
- So the only thing that hurts is the mistake in argumentation and lack of thinking. #SorryBoutIt And if you say different, well tweet me @s4mlkueh and I'll tell you to suck it. xoxo
- Then the question is raised if promoting SSM would change the purpose of marriage. - No it would not. You can still marry and have children, or not. People decide if they marry or not by themselves not because a law says so. We are just widening our definition. And still the government does not promote it! It allows it!
- The video say that the purpose of marriage is to raise the next generation. - Excuse me, did somebody order a Victorian? Its a family that brings up the next generation and not a connection between people! And family is the ones that are related AND the ones that love each other.
- The video also say that NM is there to raise these children to be good citizens. - Well SSM could do that as well. If you say otherwise you say gay people in general are not able to raise a child as a social person which is a functioning member of society. And that would be stupidity and discriminating.
- So you say SSM only validates sex partners. - Do I need to explain why this is an invalid argument? I mean see above!
- And the silliest thing up till now is served right after that: If you allow SSM the children will suffer - Uhm yes, in your pussy! Stop making it about the children! Goddammit! They won't suffer what you do here is cheesy emotional ad for bigotry! If what you say is right pigs can fly and Obama is a Muslim. See the idiocy in this?
- Then you go on and say wherever SSM is promoted (Allowed goddammit, allowed!) schools subject kids to homosexual curricula. - Well, let me explain to you. Homosexual can not really describe a thing. It is a sexual preference not an adjective for things. Secondly, what is a homosexual curricula? Dancing to Madonna, Cher and Lady Gaga (By the way, tweet me if you like all three of them @s4mlkueh!) and watching Judy garland movies? There is nothing as a homosexual curricula like there is no gay agenda. And teaching children that there is another way of life then female and male wont make them gay. It will make them more open. And if you raise them open minded there wont be any trouble. And if you don't want to explain that to your kids i would say you are either lazy or failed as a parent. Tell em its about love!
- The video says that your taxes and businesses would then support SSM. - Uhm yeah. they also support silly and unnecessary wars, 24 hour or 73 days marriages and marriages with abusive character. What to say against a loving relationship? if you have to say anything against that tweet me @s4mlkueh and I will tweet you down to the floor where you and your stupidity belong! xoxo
- The video also argues that if SSM is made legal your freedom of speech is gagged. - EHHHHH! Wrong The examples you provide are not suitable! A news anchor has to have no opinion since news are not subjective but objective. And as a news anchor you need to be as objective as possible. That comes with this job. An if SSM was allowed you still would be able to practice your freedom o speech, but discrimination will never be legal. Just learn what is freedom of speech and what is discrimination, okay?
- Te video also states that ones religious freedom id overruled. - No. Religious freedom guarantees you to practice your religion for yourself freely. And you still can do that if SSM would be legal. Thing is that in most (western) countries there is a separation of church and state and religion and law. Which means that your believes are not to make laws. You are allowed to believe whatever you want but your religious believes are not be made a law. In the US everyone is equal, so mot allowing SSM would further inequality. Live with it! Because this are the facts.
- Okay, lets get to the part of the video where they as about equality. Lets take a second at first, Great that they have brought it up! I have to give them that. - BUT to say that everyone can marry one of the opposite gender does not make us all equal. because civil unions, were homosexuals can commit to another, do not provide the same benefits as marriage. And these benefits are desperately needed, since in the US there are over 1000 of them! So don't tell me about equality!
- The video also raises the question of wether it is fair or not to not allow SSM. - "Surprisingly it is NOT!
- And let me tell you that your allegory of marriage as a behavior is lacking. Marriage is a legal bound and therefore not a behavior. A behavior is defined as an action taken by a person. A marriage can not be made by a person. It is a connection made between 2 people. Touche!
- Then they raise the question if it is discrimination of homosexuals to not allow SSM, and of course they say no for all the wrong reasons. - So let me say: IT IS DISCRIMINATING. If you think differently tweet me @s4mlkueh and I will tell you why you are a fossil and that you basically also attack women rights if you disagree. xoxo
- And then the video brings up some examples where they, once more equal marriage with behavior and stuff, and these make no sense at all so let me give you the summary: BULLSHIT! Oh sorry, but when it comes to inequality i embrace my inner cursing bitch!
- And the best comes now: they ask about tolernace And say SSM advocates should be more tolerant. - Uhm nope. They are because I have never seen one of them say: "We should permit NM!" And, they very often respect believes and religion but remember that thing called separation of church and state and religion and law? Its such a great thing isn't it? And all people are equal in front of the law! So to fight for SSM does not make these advocates intolerant. It just makes them fighters for equality. Intolerant are those who want to permit others basic rights. #IHaveHadIt!
- And to close it up the video serves this: "NM is the foundation of a civilized society!" - If you say that SSM can not be part of this society you basically say that LGBT IQA people are uncivilized. And that would not only make you an idiot, but also Markus Bachmann 2.0. Oh, sorry that is the same =)
- So the video should rather be titled: "Marriage does not equal biology, (This is
P.S.: Think about all that money from gay weddings! That would be sooo good for the economy!
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Picture by Benson Kua. Used under creative Commons License. |
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