Icons are everywhere!

An icon is someone who makes an effort. Art makes an effort. Therefore art is an icon. Marilyn Monroe was and is an icon and a work of art as well. Hence Marilyn Monroe and art have a nature in common. Icon - Art - Marilyn is iconic.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just in! - German Constitution Court decides on same sex civil union tax case!

You know I am a huge supporter of the LGBT IQA cause in every country on this planet! Today I received message that finally some decision has been made in Germany concerning taxes in civil unions.

Take a deep breath German members of the LGBT IQA community! You are now finally recognized, even if it took so much effort to get through just with this small topic!  The thing in Germany is that gay and lesbian people con form civil unions. These provide not the same amount of rights and social securities as marriage does. And in the effort to make the union more like marriage and make equality spread its wings there has been a huge effort to at least make the civil union equal to marriage when it comes to taxes. Because people living in civil unions in Germany are not allowed to make tax breaks like married people. 

But today the German Constitution Court in Karlsruhe decided that it is unconstitutional to deny people in civil unions to break taxes. The court decided its decision upon the german basic law, which states in §3 that all people are equal. So the tax discrimination is unconstitutional.

Not only is this a huge step into the direction of equality but also a huge rebuke for the German conservative party CDU/CSU and chancellor Angela Merkel. It is not about a small thing anymore, not something about lowering taxes for hotel owners and not about the regulations concerning traffic states Christop Herwatz from n-tv.de. And I can only say that I for 100% support that opinion. Now it is up fro the German government to make this decision into a law, and get one step closer to equality! 

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